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M5 Response


Great work J! You noted, 'The best and the most valuable concept gained in the course is the element of social concept. This concept is significant in determining the relationship between an organization and its publics. The social panorama constitutes the essential elements and audience targeted by any organization. "  Can our leaders be successful if they do not fully understand the business landscape?


Sustainable business concepts

The course has illuminated a number of concepts most of which are sustainable to the business. Some of the concepts include social, environmental, financial risks alongside the obligations and the opportunities (Hopkins et al., 2013). Within my current career of Healthcare Call Center Assistant Director, most of the above-prescribed concepts are highly sustainable and applicable to the career. The social, financial, and the environmental aspects can be applied to boost productivity. In a health care call center, the concept of social sustainability is important in the association with customers. The social sustainability obligation looks into benefiting the society in a given way. Factors such as corporate social responsibility are therefore highly relevant in coining a better relationship with the society. 

Among the sustainability concepts, the most questionable one is the environmental sustainability. A contention arises between the concept of environmental sustainability and social sustainability. The two concepts take into account corporate social responsibility hence creating confusion on the category to place them.  

The best and the most valuable concept gained in the course is the element of social concept. This concept is significant in determining the relationship between an organization and its publics. The social panorama constitutes the essential elements and audience targeted by any organization. The social setting offers market to the business products and services; this element makes the concept to be highly significant (Asif et al., 2011). As a healthcare call assistant, it is my personal responsibility to ensure that a proper relationship is forged with the society members. Through this concept, the business can increasingly interact with the public, conduct customer profiling, and develop customized products that are needed by the social members (Wagner & Schaltegger, 2014). Considering the magnitude of this element, social sustainability is the best and most important as it determines the association of the business with its publics. The sustainable concepts discussed above are highly significant in the growth and upward mobility of business. They ensure that a company operates within the required guidelines to achieve the best goals.


Asif, M., Searcy, C., Garvare, R., & Ahmad, N. (2011). Including sustainability in business excellence models. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22(7), 773-786.

Hopkins, M. S., Townend, A., Khayat, Z., Balagopal, B., Reeves, M., & Berns, M. (2013). The business of sustainability: what it means to managers now. MIT Sloan Management Review, 51(1), 20.

Wagner, M., & Schaltegger, S. (2014). How does sustainability performance relate to business competitiveness? Greener Management International, (44), 5-17.

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