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make a University app to have a simple system to keep track of all the students (graduate and undergrads).To do that the following classes are needed for this object-oriented database. Student Stud

 make a University  app to have a simple system to keep track of all the students (graduate  and undergrads).To do that the following classes are needed for this  object-oriented database.


  • StudentID : Integer
  • stdFirstName: String
  • stdLastName: String
  • stdMarks : Double []
  • stdAddress: Address

** Class Student should have set/get properties, constructor and have following methods:

Average() - that returns the average grade for students

toString() method that returns the above information as a String

  1. A class called Address which can be that can be added into the class student


  • streetInfo: String
  • city: String
  • postalCode: String
  • province: String
  • country: String

** Class Address should have set/get properties, constructor and following method:

toString() method that returns the above information as a String

  1. A class called UndergraduateStudent that inherits from Student and has the following members:

Undergrad Student

  • subject: String
  • yearOfEntry :Integer

***Class Student should have set/get properties, constructor and following method:

Graduate()  - Boolean that returns true if the Student is eligible to graduate when  the average of their marks is greater than 50.

toString() method that returns the above information as a String

  1. A class called GraduateStudent that inherits from Student and has the following members:

Graduate Student

  • subject : String
  • yearOfEntry :Integer
  • thesisTopic: String

Class Student should have set/get properties, constructor and following method:

Graduate()  - Boolean that returns true if the Student is eligible to graduate when  the average of their marks is greater than 70.

toString() method that returns the above information as a String

Summary of Operations

System Menu:

  1. Add undergraduate student
  2. Add graduate  student
  3. View all the students
  4. View only eligible students for graduation
  5. exit


  • You may use array or ArrayList to store all your students(graduate and undergrad) into one array of objects.
  • If you use an Array, you may assume the user does not enter more than ten students in total into the system

1 -Add undergraduate Students: this  menu should accept all the necessary parameters for undergraduate  students and create an instance from undergraduate class and store it  into students array.

2 -Add graduate student:  this menu should accept all the necessary parameters for graduate  students. It should create an instance from the graduate class and store  it in the students' array.

3- View all the students: view all the relevant information of students (graduate and undergraduate) from students array

4- View only eligible students for graduation: view all the relevant information (graduate and undergraduate) from the students' array only if they are eligible to graduate.

5 - Exit: exit the running menu (program)

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import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Scanner;

public class Address  {

String   streetInfo;String    city;String postalCode;String province;String country;

//constructorpublic Address(String   streetInfo , String    city ,String postalCode,String province, String country )  {    this.streetInfo = streetInfo; = city;    this.postalCode = postalCode;    this.province = province; = country;

}// getter methodspublic String getstreetInfo (){return streetInfo;    }

public String getcity(){return city;    }public String getpostalCode(){return postalCode;    }public String getprovince (){return province;    }public String getcountry (){

return country;    }

// setter methodspublic void setstreetInfo (String s){streetInfo = s;    }

public void setcity( String f){city = f;    }public void setpostalCode(String s){postalCode = s;    }public  void setprovince (String m){province = m;    }public void setcountry (String c){

country =c ;    }

public String toString() {

    return "streetInfo: "+ streetInfo+"\ncity: "+city+"\npostalCode: "+postalCode+"\nprovince: "+province+"\ncountry"+country;    }


import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Scanner;

public class GraduateStudent  extends Student {

String subject;int yearOfEntry;String thesisTopic;

public GraduateStudent( int StudentID , String stdFirstName ,String stdLastName,double [] stdMarks , Address stdAddress,String subject , int yearOfEntry , String thesisTopic){

super(StudentID ,stdFirstName ,stdLastName,stdMarks,stdAddress);

this.subject = subject;this.yearOfEntry = yearOfEntry;this.thesisTopic = thesisTopic ;


// getter methodspublic String getsubject (){    return  subject;    }public int getyearOfEntry(){    return yearOfEntry;    }

public String getthesisTopic(){    return thesisTopic;    }

// setter methodspublic void  setsubject (String s){    subject = s ;    }public void  setyearOfEntry(int y){    yearOfEntry = y ;    }public void setthesisTopic(String t){      thesisTopic = t;    }

public String toString() {

    return super.toString()+"\nsubject: "+subject+"\nyear Of Entry: "+yearOfEntry+"\nthesisTopic: "+thesisTopic;    }

public boolean Graduate(){

if( super.Average() > 70 )return true;

return false;



import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.*;

public class Maindriver  {

public static void main(String[] args)    {

Scanner input = new Scanner(;

int StudentID;String stdFirstName;String stdLastName;Address stdAddress;String subject;int yearOfEntry;String thesisTopic ;

// instance classUndergraduateStudent Undergraduate =null;

// instance class

GraduateStudent  Graduate =null;

// student  arrayStudent[] studentsarray  = new Student[10];

int index = 0;// while loopwhile(true){

menu ();int option = input.nextInt();


case 1:

System.out.println( "StudentID: ");StudentID = input.nextInt();

System.out.println( "FirstName :");stdFirstName=;

System.out.println( "LastName :");stdLastName =;

System.out.println( "Enter Marks with space between them : ");input.nextLine();String mark [] = input.nextLine().split(" ");

double stdMarks[] = new double[mark.length ];// convert string to doublefor(int i = 0 ; i < mark.length ; i++ )     stdMarks[i] = Double.valueOf(mark[i]) ;

System.out.println( "Address: ");

    System.out.println( "streetInfo: ");

    String   streetInfo =;    System.out.println( "city: ");

    String    city=;    System.out.println( "postalCode: ");

    String postalCode=;    System.out.println( "province: ");

    String province=;    System.out.println( "country: ");

    String country=;

stdAddress = new Address( streetInfo ,city , postalCode, province,country );

System.out.println( "subject: ");subject=;

System.out.println( "year Of Entry: ");yearOfEntry  = input.nextInt();

Undergraduate = new UndergraduateStudent( StudentID ,  stdFirstName , stdLastName, stdMarks ,  stdAddress, subject , yearOfEntry);

studentsarray[index] = Undergraduate;


case 2:

System.out.println( "StudentID: ");StudentID = input.nextInt();

System.out.println( "FirstName :");stdFirstName=;

System.out.println( "LastName :");stdLastName =;

System.out.println( "Enter Marks with space between them : ");input.nextLine();String mark2 [] = input.nextLine().split(" ");

double stdMarks2[] = new double[mark2.length ];// convert string to doublefor(int i = 0 ; i < mark2.length ; i++ )     stdMarks2[i] = Double.valueOf(mark2[i]) ;

System.out.println( "Address: ");

    System.out.println( "streetInfo: ");

        streetInfo =;    System.out.println( "city: ");

         city=;    System.out.println( "postalCode: ");

      postalCode=;    System.out.println( "province: ");

      province=;    System.out.println( "country: ");


stdAddress = new Address( streetInfo ,city , postalCode, province,country );

System.out.println( "subject: ");subject=;

System.out.println( "year Of Entry: ");yearOfEntry  = input.nextInt();

System.out.println( "the Topic: ");thesisTopic  =;

Graduate = new GraduateStudent( StudentID ,  stdFirstName , stdLastName, stdMarks2 ,  stdAddress, subject , yearOfEntry , thesisTopic);

studentsarray[index] = Graduate;



case 3:System.out.println("View all the students");for( int i = 0 ; i <studentsarray.length ; i++){    if(studentsarray[i] != null )    System.out.println(studentsarray[i]);



case 4:

if( Graduate != null && Undergraduate !=null ){System.out.println("View only eligible students for graduation");

for( int i = 0 ; i <studentsarray.length ; i++){    if(Graduate.Graduate() && Undergraduate.Graduate())        System.out.println( studentsarray[i] );


}else if( Graduate != null   ){System.out.println("View only eligible students for graduation");

for( int i = 0 ; i <studentsarray.length ; i++){    if(Graduate.Graduate() )        System.out.println( studentsarray[i] );


}else if( Undergraduate != null   ){System.out.println("View only eligible students for graduation");

for( int i = 0 ; i <studentsarray.length ; i++){    if(Undergraduate.Graduate())        System.out.println( studentsarray[i] );


}else{    System.out.println("add the element to list first in order to print ");



case 5:System.exit(0);break;

    } // end switch

} // end while

} // end main

public static void menu (){System.out.println("1.Add undergraduate student\n"+        "2.Add graduate  student\n"+        "3.View all the students\n"+        "4.View only eligible students for graduation\n"+         "5.exit\nyour option: " );


}// end class

import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Scanner;

public class Student  {

int StudentID ;String stdFirstName;String stdLastName;double [] stdMarks ;Address stdAddress ;

//constructorpublic Student(int StudentID , String stdFirstName ,String stdLastName,double [] stdMarks , Address stdAddress )  {     this.StudentID = StudentID;    this.stdFirstName = stdFirstName;    this.stdLastName = stdLastName;    this.stdMarks = stdMarks;    this.stdAddress = stdAddress;

}// getter methodspublic int getStudentID (){return StudentID;    }

public String getstdFirstName(){return stdFirstName;    }public String getstdLastName(){return stdLastName;    }public double [] getstdMarks (){return stdMarks;    }public Address getstdAddress (){

return stdAddress;    }

// setter methodspublic void StudentID (int s){StudentID = s;    }

public void setstdFirstName( String f){stdFirstName = f;    }public void setstdLastName(String s){stdLastName = s;    }public  void setstdMarks (double [] m){stdMarks = m;    }public void setstdAddress (Address s){

stdAddress =s ;    }

public double Average(){double sum  = 0;

for(int i = 0 ; i < stdMarks.length; i++){    sum += stdMarks[i];    }

    return sum / (double )stdMarks.length;    }

public String toString() {

    return "\nStudentID: "+StudentID + "\nFirstName: "+stdFirstName +"\nLastName: "+stdLastName+"\nMarks: "+Arrays.toString(stdMarks)+    "\nAddress: "+ stdAddress.toString()+"\n";


 public boolean Graduate(){

 return Average() > 50 ?  true :false ;    }


import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Scanner;

public class UndergraduateStudent  extends Student  {

String subject;int yearOfEntry;

public UndergraduateStudent (int StudentID , String stdFirstName ,String stdLastName,double [] stdMarks , Address stdAddress,String subject , int yearOfEntry)  {

super(StudentID ,stdFirstName ,stdLastName,stdMarks,stdAddress);    this.subject = subject;    this.yearOfEntry = yearOfEntry;


// getter methodspublic String getsubject (){    return  subject;    }public int getyearOfEntry(){    return yearOfEntry;    }

// setter methodspublic void  setsubject (String s){    subject = s ;    }public void  setyearOfEntry(int y){    yearOfEntry = y ;    }

//Graduate() - Boolean that returns true if the Student is eligible to graduate when the average of their marks is greater than 50.

public boolean Graduate(){

if( super.Average() > 50 )return true;

return false;


public String toString() {

    return super.toString()+"\nsubject: "+subject+"\nyear Of Entry: "+yearOfEntry;    }


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