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match: x^2=48 X^2= -4 X^2 =4/25 X^2=16 No real number solutions Two rational solutions that are not integers Two integer solutions Two irrational...

  2.Solve the equation.  5a^2-26a=24   the solution set is.......3. Solve the equation by using the square root property. Simplify all radicals. X^2=9 solution set is...

3.Use the square root property to solve the equation. T^2=245 solution set is... 4.Solve the equation by using the square root property. Simplify all radicals. X^2= 4/9 Solution set. 5.Solve the equation by using the square root property. X^2= -49 (solution Set).6. Use the square root property to solve the equation. C^2-21=0  (solution Set) 7.Solve the following equation by using the square root property. Write all radicals in simplest form.2x^2-432=0 (solution Set). 8.Use the square root property to solve the (x-2)^2=36  (solution Set). Solve the equation by using the square root property. (x+6)^2= -16 (solution Set). 9.Solve the equation by using the square root property. Simplify all radicals. (3k+4)^2=25.  (solution set). 10.Solve the equation by using the square root property. Simplify all radicals. (4-3x)^2=33   11.Solve the equation by using the square root property. Simplify all radicals. (3k+2)^2-18=0 12. The formula S=16T^2 is used to approximate the distance S in feet, that an object falls freely from rest in T seconds. The height of a building is 1424 feet. How long would it take for an object to fall from the top? The object would fall for..........seconds.

13.The formula A=P(1+r)^2 gives the amount A in dollars that P dollars will grow to in 2 years at interest rate r left parenthesis(where r is given as a decimal)using compound interest. What interest rate will cause $ 2000 to grow to 2142.45 in 2 years. The interest rate is ...................................................................................      

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