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materials: for an account and you can read it for free.)Be thorough and specific in your writing; remember to focus on elaboration. Your jour

materials: for an account and you can read it for free.)

Be thorough and specific in your writing; remember to focus on elaboration. Your journals should be typed and written in 12-point font and Times New Roman type should be used. Your response journals should be at least 300 Words in length.

Response Options

After reading The Killer Angels and learning about the Civil War, how do you think we can "never forget" those who sacrificed so much for our nation’s freedom?

Who or what would you be willing to sacrifice your life for? Explain.

Paradoxically, those whose lives are most valuable to the world are the very ones who are most willing to sacrifice themselves to save others of less worth. Consider: the very quality that causes them to sacrifice self may be the same quality that makes them valuable.

Discuss your reaction to one of the historical documents you read in this unit.

Describe one person from The Killer Angels who was the most interesting, the most heroic, or the least heroic. Choose only one character. Give specific examples of the character’s behavior and reasons for your choice.

Elie Wiesel’s speech talks about the importance of remembering. Why do you think it is so important to remember the events of the past?

Are there any values ​​worth dying for? Explain.

Do you know people that are different on the inside from what they portray on the outside? How are they different? Why would they project a different image from what they feel on the inside? Explain.

Do you have experiences or times in your life that you would like to go back to? What would you change about them? What would you keep? Explain.

If you wish, you may download and use this Response Journal document to complete this assignment.

Assignment Submission Instructions

You should submit your best work for each assignment. If you know that you hurried through an assignment, then it is advised you re-evaluate what you have finished and revise it. The written portions of this course are a significant part of your final grade . Once you are sure you have everything completed, submit your completed assignment according to your instructor's directions.

A word about plagiarism. . . . Plagiarism is defined as the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work. This means whether a student copies and pastes directly from another source and Passes it off as his or her own, or doesn't cite a source after loosely summarizing it into his or her own words, it is plagiarism.

If you are discovered to have plagiarized in any of your assignments you will automatically fail the unit and the course.

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