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MGT SLP 1 MGT 499 Strategic Management The Organizations Purpose, Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals In this Module, you will be considered a Strategic Management subject matter expert. You will blog

MGT SLP 1 MGT 499 Strategic Management

The Organizations Purpose, Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals 

In this Module, you will be considered a Strategic Management subject matter expert. You will blog about important aspects of the Strategic Management process, using articles about current events pulled from reputable sources (e.g., trade journals, newspapers, or magazines such as The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Business Week, or Forbes) to support your key arguments.

For the Module 1 SLP, find a recent article that provides an example of an organization that appears to be successful (or that has been unsuccessful) in fulfilling its Mission, Vision, Values, or goals. 

Hint: Visit either ProQuest or EBSCO-Business Source Complete in the library. Type “Mission Statements,” “Vision Statements,” “Values Statements,” or “Goals” in the boxes provided. Then, click on “Subject” in the pull-down menu bar next to each. Make sure to click on “Trade Journals,” “Newspapers,” and/or “Magazines.” You will find plenty of sources from which to choose. Your main article(s) for your blog entry must be no older than 12 months. You may, of course, use older sources to support your discussion and analysis; however, the current event article serving as the main focus of your paper must be no more than 12 months old. 

Remember that you are playing the role of a business expert who is blogging in the context of Strategic Management. The key is to convey to the public the importance of the Mission, Vision, and/or Values statements or organizational goals in a Strategic Management context. You will need to provide examples of an organization that has done particularly well (or one that has done poorly) in fulfilling its stated Mission, Vision, Values statements, or its goals.   

Assignment Expectations

  1. The minimum length requirement for this SLP Assignment is 3 full pages (excluding Title and Reference pages), to include 2 scholarly sources.
  2. Provide an APA-formatted title page. Use the APA 7 Template
  3. The 3 full-pages will include an introduction, body of work with 2 scholarly sources cited to support your work, and a conclusion (that aligns with your purpose statement, summarizes each section, and then wraps up into a final thought).
  4. Provide an APA7-formatted References Page (See APA 7 “References” section at ).

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*** **** ***** ** ******** *** answer ************************************************************************************************************************************ ***************** **************************** purpose statement ** * ***** *** ******* ********* **** ************* *** ********************** *** ** ********************* ********* ** fills ** ** a **** value ** assist ******************* ******** *** ******* objectives *** goals of the *********** and settling ** compellingchoices *** ******** * *********** *********** *** ******* social issues *** ******* bygiving **** *** * **** ***** to ***** ****** ******** 2023) ********** * ************************************ ********** ***** be ** give great items or *************** to ******* ** *********** industry ********* * ******** ************ *********** an *********** **** * clearand ********** purpose ********* *** ********************** ******* is *********************** **** ** ** ** ******* home **************** **** reason *********** sums up Patagonia's ******* ************* behindpresence: to **** ********* ***** ***** ******** ********** ****** ******** ***** Byfocusing on natural manageability ******************* motivation ************ guides ******** ****** **** of *** business from obtaining ********* ** ********** ****** to **************** A ******* ****** ************ is *********** *** associations ** **** ********** lined ** **** ***** ********* *** ***************** StatementA ******* statement ** * more ******** *********** **** frames *** particular exercisesthe *********** **** ******* to ********** *** ******* ** ******** ************ **** ******** ********************* ****** ****** ****** capabilities and *********** advantages *** instancethe mission of ** ********** ************ *** ** ** ****** *********** ***** **** **** ********************** ***** ***** *** ******* ** * medical **** *********** *** be ** give **************** ******** *************** to ******** (Bellano ***** **************** ******* ********* is"to **** *** the *************** **** and **** ** generally ********* and ****************** **** missionstatement ****** *** ********** ********* that Google ******** ** accomplish *** ****************** ** ** ***** The statement ** ******** ************ *** ********** ***** *********** organization **** ********* ***** on its ********** *** ********* of purpose ******** ************************* ********* ****** center ****** and competitive ********** ***** ************** *** ******** **** ************* what makes ****** ************ ********** ****** statement asserts the association's ********* ********** and aspirations ** ************ used ** **** and ****** *************** *** **** *** *********** * reasonableinternal ******* *** ******** *** vision ** an ********** ************ *** ** to **** ******* *************** driving ******** ** innovative products *** services ***** *** vision ** a *********** *********** 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***** incorporate qualities like ********** ********** and ******** *************** of * ********* proclamation is **** ****** ** ************** shoe and ************* The ********************** ***** ******* incorporate ********* **************************** ******* ************* *** ******* ****** ****** *** *** a little *********** being **** innovativeand liberal *** ******* *********** *** ******** ******** ***** ***** ********* *********** directing ********** and ********* that ******* *** ***** up **** the ********************** ***** **** *** ****** *************** emphasis ** client support is ********* ** *** ********* *** *************** consistently **** ********* grades *** its ****** ******************** are a ***** **** ** *** strategic ********** ******* ** **** **** * ****************** ******* and inspiration *** ** association **** *** explicit quantifiable *** time-bound ***** that an *********** **** together ** ********** *** ******* **** ****** andvalues ***** ******** ********** ************ ****** ******** a *** critical ******** *********** ********** ******** ***** ******* objectives should ** ***** ** **** theassociation's ********** ******* ****** *** values to guarantee they support *** ************** ** the *********** **** *********** ********** that ***** *** ********** ******************* ought ** ** ******** *** characterized ** give ** ************ comprehensionof **** ** ***** ******** *** to empower *** successful following of ******** ***************** ********* ***** ************** *** ************* of **** ** ******************** ******* ***** should ** quantifiable ** ******* *** ********* of ******** ******* * ******* ** assessing *********** **** ********** considers clear ************** ************ *** ******* **** ***** ******* improvement ******** ********** ***** ** ********** and ********** ****** *** ****** *** ****** ********** ** the *********** **************** ********** that ********** *** ******** *** **** ****** *** ******** successfully(Bellano 2023) ********** ***** ** ********* give * **** to keep moving *** ***************** ********* ** progress **** timeline ***** responsibility *** ******* **************** that progress ** on targetInstances of objectives could *********** ********* deals by * ******** ratediminishing costs ** * specific sum ********* ******** ******* ****** ** ********* ************ ****** ******** **** the ********** ***** be ***** ** ** ******* **** ************** ************* ** how they add ** *** ********************* general reason ************* and ****** *** they ought to be ************ assessed *** ******* ********* ** ************ ** ********* **** they **** ********* *** compelling ******** ***** ** creatingand ******* ***** significant ***** ************ *** **** progress and drive positive ********* ***** ******** *** businesses6ReferenceBellano * ****** ******** *** Test of Time *** **** ******* ************** ****** ******* (7)31-38Simpson * ***** * **** A ***** * & Manning * ****** 22 ****** ********** ************** **********

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