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Microbiology and the human health write a research paper on this
1. Science writers convey complex scientificideas to the public. They must beknowledgeable in the sciences as well asproficient in techniques of journalism. Goodscience writing is thoroughly researched andcommunicates the key ideas of scientificresearch and topics in a comprehensible andstraightforward manner. Science writers arealso always on the lookout for new andinteresting discoveries and studies inscience. For this project, you are the sciencereporter for your local newspaper. You havejust received an assignment from your editor.She asks you to write an article on a majortopic within the field of microbiology. Shestipulates that in this article you must:1. Generate a historical timeline of the majorscientific discoveries leading to our currentunderstanding of the topic.2. Include a summary of our currentunderstanding of the topic.3. Project where the next major advance orbreakthrough in your topic will come from.DescriptionFor Part A of this project you explore possibletopics and do background research.Specifically, you choose a suitable topic,identify appropriate resources, and generatea brief outline of the article you will write.Your topic must fall under the followingsubheadings:1. Microbiology and human health2. Microbiology and the environment3. Microbiology and agriculture or industryProcedure 1. Consult your textbook to choose a topic under one of the subheadings listed above.For example, from the area microbiology andindustry, you might examine the use oforganisms by the alcoholic beverageindustry. More specifically, are you interestedin wine and the grapes that produce it? Youcould investigate the actions of a funguscalled “noble rot” or the cultures involved inthe fermentation of the grapes. [Need helpchoosing a topic?] 2. Email your topic to your instructor forapproval.3. Once your receive instructor approval, do some background research on your topic toget more familiar with it. Using the CredoReference and/or Britannica Online:Academic Edition databases, find 1-2articles/encyclopedia entries on your topicthat will help you complete your Project 2article. You can access these databases fromthe Library’s Background Information page. 4. Now that you have a basic understanding of your topic, find 5-6 peer-reviewed researcharticles that will help you complete yourarticle using the Library’s OneSearch tool.OneSearch is found on the Library’shomepage. Watch the OneSearch Tips videofor assistance getting started. [Note: InOneSearch you can limit your results to peerreviewed journals.] 5. You should now have a total of at least 7sources to use for your article.6. After reading the sources, think of the main points that you will cover and develop anoutline for your article. [Need help writing anoutline?] 7. In a single Word document, submit your outline and list of at least 7 sources(references) in APA format and place it in the appropriate assignment dropbox. [Need helpwith APA format?]Compose your work using a word processor(or other software as appropriate) and save itfrequently to your computer. Be sure tocheck your work and correct any spelling orgrammatical errors before you upload it.When you are ready to submit your work,click "Browse My Computer" and find yourfile. Once you have located your file, click"Open" and, if successful, the file name willappear under the Attached files heading.Scroll to the bottom of the page and click"Submit."Your topic outline comprises 15% of the finalresearch paper project grade (2.25% of yourtotal grade). The final research papercontributes 85% of your research projectgrade (12.75% of your total grade ). Yoursubmission will be evaluated using the SLAOutline and Thesis Rubric [67 KB PDF file].Your research project grade is your outlineand your research paper combined (2.25% +12.75%) and comprises 15% of your totalgrade