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Module 7

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Chegg password:  jamare08

Book:  Sport Promotion and Sales Management Chapter 10

500 words assignment

The topic of sport licensing requires students to use the skills gained in this module/week to create a licensing plan for a sport or entertainment organization. Large organizations have the advantage here because they can afford either in-house employees or hire professional organizations to handle the licensing agreements. However, small organizations and non-profits sometimes need the help of attorneys and others to help them develop a successful licensing program. It is important that all organizations carefully manage their brand and who has the rights to use that brand.

To Do List This Week:

·         Reading: Irwin Chapter 10

·         Submit written assignment #7: Licensing Plan (50 points)

    • The opening paragraph should introduce the topic and share the established research on which the concepts of the assignment are based.

§  Define what licensing is

§  Why it is important

§  What do the experts recommend the content to be

    • The following paragraphs should then outline the specific sport organization for which the assignment is being written with supporting research where precedence has been set for why these ideas are successful and should be implemented.

§  Group like items together such as apparel, household items, and such including the 10 products within those groupings.

§  Be sure to include the royalty rate and what research led you to that amount.

    • The closing paragraph should summarize the concepts and connect back to the opening paragraph.
    • Support ideas with academic research. A minimum of three academic sources should be used outside of the text information.
    • Review the rubric for the assignment.
    • Write in APA format for citations and references.
    • Please make sure to write in paragraph format, not just to list in a numbered manner.
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