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Module OverviewIn this module, you will learn about the challenges entrepreneurs face when they consider going international. You will learn that different cultural aspects and language problems can h

Module Overview

In this module, you will learn about the challenges entrepreneurs face when they consider going international. You will learn that different cultural aspects and language problems can have a strong impact on replicating the success achieved in a domestic environment in another, different business marketplace abroad.

Module Readings

Complete the following readings early in the module:

  • Module overview
  • Review any course readings that may help you complete the Modules assignments.
  • From the Argosy University online library resources, read the following article:
    • Bassi, L., & McMurrer, D. (2007). Maximizing your return on people. Harvard Business Review, 85(3), 115–123. (EBSCO Accession Number: 23927003) Retrieved from
    • Harnish, V. C., & Mahoney, M. A. (2006). A Step-by-step process to hiring. Retrieved from
    • Kesler, G., & Law, J. (1997). Implementing major change in the HR organization: The lessons of five companies. Human Resource PlanningSociety, 20(4), 26–38. (ProQuest Document ID: 224590980) Retrieved from
    • Gutner, T. (2010). How to create a success culture. Retrieved from
  • From the Internet, read the following management/leadership success stories:
    • Brewing Up a New Business Idea from a Coffee Castoff
    • Building a Business on Busy Schedules and Making Errands Pay
    • Entrepreneur's Nonprofit Rolls Out a Nontraditional Shelter for the Homeless
    • How a B-School Networking Problem Became a $20 Million Opportunity


This Module concludes the capstone course, The Functional Contribution to Organizational Success (Capstone).

In this module, you will deliver the complete business plan in assignment two. You will submit the business plan as the LASA for this course Titled: Assignment 2 LASA: Business Plan. In the LASA, you need to include all information originally submitted in Modules 1, 2, 3, and 4

Assignments Titled: Business Plan Breakdown 1-The Choice of Business, Business Plan Breakdown 2-The Marketing Plan, Business Plan Breakdown 3-The Simplified Financial Plan and Business Plan Breakdown 4-The Operations Plan revise it, and complement with any missing information necessary to constitute the complete business plan.

You, at this point, are fully capable of translating your business ideas into real-world companies. You now possess the tools, concepts, and necessary skills to become an entrepreneur. It is time to dare and make your dreams come true!


Whetten, D. A., & Cameron, K. S. (2011). Developing management skills (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 

Assignment Summary: 

Assignment 1: Discussion—Doing Business Abroad

Nancy Baxter and several other small business owners joined a trade mission to China to explore market opportunities there. The group learned that China has a population of 1.3 billion and is the third fastest growing export market for small- and medium-sized US firms.

In any given year, the Chinese software market grows by 30% and the number of Internet users quadruples. Furthermore, the demand for management consulting services is increasing, especially information technology consulting.

Members of the group were surprised by the number of people who had cell phones and regularly surfed the Internet, especially in large, urban centers. On the downside, they found that counterfeit goods (from clothing and leather goods to software and CDs) were available at a fraction of the cost of legitimate merchandise. In addition, the members found that local merchants expressed an interest in doing business only with vendors with whom they had established relationships.

In this assignment, you will review different concepts discussed in the course Titled: The Functional Contribution to Organizational Success Master of Science in Organizational Leadership [MS_OL], and critically evaluate how the business venture you are proposing could be successful in a different business culture, such as China.


Using the Internet or the Argosy University online library resources, research how people do business in China and how the Chinese culture can affect your traditional business thinking.  

Now, respond to the following questions:

  • What types of businesses would prosper in China? Why?
  • What are the challenges and risks associated with doing business in China?
  • What steps should Baxter take to address these challenges and risks in order to increase a chance of success in the market?

 Submission Details:

  • By Friday January 25, 2019, in about 300 words, post your responses to this Discussion Area. While responding, address issues brought up and compare them with yours. 

Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Do the following when responding:

  • Read your answers. Provide substantive comments by contributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources; building on the remarks or questions; or sharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiences Respond to feedback on your posting and provide feedback to their ideas. Make sure your writing is clear, concise, and organized; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 

Grading Criteria:

Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions

Reference to supporting readings and other materials

Language and grammar 

turned-in on time, Grading criteria followed All assignment qualifications addressed correctly, Grading Criteria followed, Include Question followed by the answer  Reference Page Included Cover page Included, Paragraphs  Indented,  Running-head included, main heading should be centered; all  new  paragraphs should be indented;  paper should be right ragged,   not right justified; references,  should always go on a standalone  page. abstracts are not usually indented; acronyms should be spelled out when using them  for  the first time, for example HR. references as listed are APA  standard.   When you  submit your papers through, your overall  similarity  index  score should not be exceedingly high, with   ten to  fifteen percent  being  the maximum,  Please make sure your APA  formatting of citations. I have provided the  APA resource cite for you., Please work on using literature within the span of the last 5 years,  keep in mind there should not be any one, two, or three sentence  paragraphs   Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation 

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