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Motivation can be defined as "the processes that account for an individuals intensity, _______, and ________ of effort toward attaining a goal"....
Q1. Motivation can be defined as "the processes that account for an individual´s intensity, _______, and ________ of effort toward attaining a goal".
a. emotion and direction
b. direction and persistence
c. persistence and quality
d. reward and direction
e. none of the above
Q2. An employee is angry about promotion decision. Though he is not
sure that he was the best candidate, he feels that he never really got the chance to demonstrate his skills. His dissatisfaction is consistent with research on:
a. Distributive equity
b. Procedural consistency
c. Distributive justice
d. Procedural justice
e. None of the above.
Q3. Why is objective performance data limited?
a. They fail to tap into why some people perform better than others
b. They are not subjective
c. They are not limited
d. They fail to predict task performance
e. b and d are correct
Q4. Effective performance measurement focuses on:
a. Task
b. Behavior
c. Management expectation
d. The cognition of the employee
e. All of the above
Q5. A key property of the competency approach is that performance should be defined _______.
a. In task terms.
b. By managers.
c. Behaviorally
d. Specifically and clearly.
e. None of the above.
Q6. Perceptions of the accuracy of feedback is related to perceptions of:
a. Communicator credibility
b. Managerial training
c. Performance-related pay
d. Equity
e. Performance
Q7. The cost of work-related stress in organizations can be estimated in terms
of _______
a. Absenteeism
b. Lost productivity
c. Compensation claims
d. All of the above
e. a and b are correct.
Q8. ______ can be regarded as causes of stress (stressor).
a. Noise
b. Time rigidity
c. Workload
d. All of the above
e. b and c are correct.
Q9. The process through which an organization gets information on how closely an employee´s actual performance meets his or her performance plan is known as __________.
a. Performance appraisal
b. Job analysis
c. Performance feedback
d. Ability analysis
e. Achievement discrepancy
Q10. Which of the following is an example of using performance management to fulfill an administrative purpose?
a. Define the results, and, to some extent, employee characteristics that are necessary to get results.
b. Develop employees who are effective at their jobs.
c. Use performance appraisal to make decisions such as pay raises, promotions, layoffs and recognition of individual performance.
d. Identify employee´s strengths and weaknesses, link employees to appropriate training and developmental activities.
e. Confront employees with their performance weaknesses.
Q11. Globo Analytics Inc., a data analysis company, has modified its performance management system. Apart from training employees on their specific tasks, the trainers and mangers help the employees become more aware of the overall goal of the company and how their individual performances influence the broader goals of the company. As a result of this, employees´ performance have become more consistent with the organization´s strategies, goals, and culture. This initiative of Globo focused on the __________ criterion of performance management.
a. Consistency
b. Strategic congruence
c. Social
d. Acceptability
e. Risk avoidance
Q12. Whittaker Publishing Corp. is a publishing company that wants to hire more technical experts to handle the software requirements in the publishing process. However, the test given to the programmers assessed not only their technical knowledge, but also their communication skills, language abilities, and understanding of client services. The test conducted by Whittaker Publishing Corp is ___________.
a. High on reliability
b. Low on strategic congruence
c. Low on acceptability
d. High on specificity
e. Low on Validity
Q13. Teknical Inc. decides to implement a new performance management system. It consists of a list of five traits used to evaluate all the employees. The manager considers one employee at the time; and on a continuum with five different points, circles the number that signifies how much of a particular trait the individual has. Which type of performance management system is Teknical Inc. using?
a. Probability distribution
b. Simple ranking
c. Forced distribution
d. Paired comparison
e. Graphics rating scale.
Q14. A competent employee receives lower-than-deserved ratings because of a few outstanding colleagues who set very-high performance standards. This is an example of a ______ rater error.
a. Contrast
b. Distributional
c. Halo
d. Similar to me
e. Horns
Q15. The average compensation - including wages, salaries, and bonuses - of jobs in an organization is called the __________.
a. range spread
b. compa-ratio
c. pay level
d. job structure
e. pay grade