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Mr Chase Hunter is a 31year-old male who was rock-climbing with two friends at a national park when he suddenly lost his footing and slid approx. 6...

Mr Chase Hunter is a 31year-old male who was rock-climbing with two friends at a national park when he suddenly lost his footing and slid approx. 6 metres to the ground. Both friends who witnessed the fall said that he slid against sharp rock all of the way down, landing almost in a standing-up position, finally slumping to the ground. They also said that his head was not jarred during the slide. Mr Hunter was alert and oriented when his friends reached him, and could move all four extremities quite easily. Mr Hunter had multiple scrapes over his anterior torso and a large gash over his right anterior upper thigh (near the groin) which was bleeding profusely. A makeshift tourniquet slowed the bleeding. The party was able to radio to the park ranger's station for help. The ranger, in turn, contacted the "med-evac" unit at the city hospital. The helicopter located and evacuated the man. A large-bore IV was placed in each arm in-flight, and normal saline fluid was administered intravenously. The client became increasingly disoriented during the flight, reaching the hospital about 40 minutes after the fall.

According to the man's friends, the patient was in good health prior to the accident, with no history of allergies, anemia, bleeding disorders, or diabetes mellitus.

On arrival, Mr Hunter is lethargic but responsive. Mr Hunter has lost a significant volume of blood due to a laceration of his right femoral artery.

Part A

Uncontrolled post-traumatic bleeding is the leading cause of potentially preventable death among trauma clients. Due to the significant volume of blood loss, Mr Hunter is at risk of developing _____________________________________________ shock.

Part B

What is the primary treatment of haemorrhagic shock?


Part C

Mr Hunter has been diagnosed with a deep vein thrombosis. What is a deep vein thrombosis and what are the possible signs and symptoms. What are some of the complications?


Part D

Nurses are in a unique position to monitor clients and their psychosocial care. There are many easy ways to improve relationships with patients and promote a healthy psychological, emotional, and spiritual environment. Discuss how you can build relationships with patients.


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