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my current portfolio value

PORTFOLIO VALUE $1,000,262.31     RETURN PERCENTAGE 0.03%       CASH BALANCE $979,665.31     BUYING POWER $1,971,659.12                CURRENT RANK 11/34   

My notes about the assignment

this assignment is a short Paper over my portolio perfomance in stock track where I was obligated to make only buy oil and gas stock. my performance was not the best I ended up in the negative because of a derivative i took that’s didnt workout so I’m a t -500000 $ after starting my portfolio with 1000000 millions dollars and 1000000 million in margin. then i sold my position in the derivative and recuperated. the position i was in was a long in oil in expectation of higher prices. 

                                       DETAIL OF THE  ASSIGMENT YOU MUST FOLLOW

1. make sure a discussion about risk management established. This class's goal is not just maximizing gain but generating gain with well established risk management system.  Issue with spelling and grammar check.

3.  a  review on risk management activities

4. include  three ways of hedging 

5. include price movement of oil and gas to event and  macro change that affect the oil price

description of assignment itself 

Over the trading period, you are to assume the role of risk manager of a trading company that are specialized in energy and to design and execute an appropriate risk management strategy.  Your report should start with"Dear Stake Holders". Please be as specific as possible in covering the topics required as below

Risk Management Strategy (Three Pages)

You need to outline what your team’s risk management scheme is (please remember three schemes of hedging I layout in class)  . Effective risk management is expected to protect the value of the portfolio with minimization of the risk expected.  Under constraint of your goal of creating the value of portfolio you have to discuss how to Increase knowledge and understanding of exposure to risk, then specify steps for successful risk management and risk mitigation strategies. Specifically,

  1. Analysis of current macro/micro risks that are relevant to your portfolio. (i.e., any subject that is could affect your portfolio such as current monetary policy (interest rates), inflation, business cycle conditions, SPR release, OPEC production cut, and Chinese economy)
  2. Your investment positioning on the basis of your macro assessment.
  3. Risk Management Strategy : Along with your investment strategy you are required to develop hedging strategy.  Be specific on your risk management tools (futures, options and others).  Thus, do you manage your risk by taking short position? Then using what instrument ( short in ETF which follows oil/gas index  or short in oil or NG future index or ETF (I.e., UNG USO XOP XLE) ? If you plan to use derivatives what derivatives with what position (i.e., put option on XLE or XOP?)

Review of your risk Management (Two Pages)

Here you are required to evaluate your your risk management scheme during the trading period. In your review, discuss 1) Is the premise of your risk management policy effective?  For example, let's say according to your risk management plan, using derivatives you decide to hedge 20% of your investment for downside risk. Is this enough to protect the value of your portfolio? Are the derivatives used right choice of tools to hedge? 2) Has anything fundamentally (in terms of macro/micro circumstances) and event like OPEC production cut) changed for the commodities/companies you invested so that your have to modify your investment strategy/risk management scheme?   

Format1. The expected length of the text part of the paper isat least five pages, double spaced, and no longer than six pages. Your paper should present at least two graphs (figures), and  all data used for the paper, including figures, graphs and charts should be adopted from Eikon. You will lose seven points if you fail to use any data/figures  from Eikon. Figures, graphs and charts do not count toward the required pages.  

2.  Your paper must have at least ten outside references from news articles, books and periodicals in the library and other Internet sources if you wish. You may use all ten references from internet based sources. (maximum ten points penalty)

3. For style of your paper, you are require to use MLA style and  and you should be consistent in its use. Each reference you list on the last page of your paper should be cited in your paper. Thus the article cited in text should be matched on the article listed on the reference.  Any mis-handling of citations will be significantly penalized. (maximum 20 points penalty)

4.  Put your name in header and submit just one copy with both names on it. ( five point penalty)


This paper assignment is due 11:00 p.m Nov 18th. If a paper is submitted late, its numerical grade will be reduced by 50% of the maximum possible score per day. Most importantly, all materials submitted for grades should be your original work and not a copy of other’s works. Presenting other’s work without appropriate citation will be treated as act of cheatin



  1. Presentation Guide
  • What to present?  Your paper!
  • Time window :Nov16 - Dec 2  :

We have 17 teams to present but only have 4 class days for presentation. To accommodate all teams for presentation for all presentation days, starting Nov 18, we have to meet a bit earlier (10:00A instead of 10:10A) and dismiss the class a bit later (11:15A instead of 11:05A).  If you cannot come early or have to leave early you should email me by  Oct 28.  If you don't have any schedule conflict please choose the slot for either first or last slot of presentation day! If you have schedule conflict with other class (i.e., mock interview or athlete) please make sure to slot that avoid the conflict.

  • Format:
    • Prepare a power point presentation of maximum 15 slides that synthesizes your short paper.
    • Make a presentation to class of 15 minutes maximum.
  • For good presentation
    • Both substance and clarity of communication matter
    • Less texts better than more texts
    • Use animations to make the presentation relaxed, humorous and vivid
    • Slow and clear better than fast but unclear
    • Well organized with key points highlighted
    • Rich background information
    • Don't look down and read
  • Submission: Please upload your presentation file (in either Powerpoint or PDF format) to the course Canvas by 10:00 AM Nov 16.

2. Bonus/penalty

  • Attendance Check Bonus
    • You will be award 4 points attendance bonus for each presentation day (excluding Nov 16) if you come to class on time and stay for all presentations for the day.
  • Q&A Bonus (16 points total available).All students are highly encouraged to ask questions and make comments after the presentations. Each student may ask up to 2 questions each presentation day (2 point/question, 4 points total each presentation day). Since we have all sixteen presentations scheduled, you may earn up to total of 4 points each day by asking questions (or making comments) relevant to the topic presented. Your questions/comments should make sense. Your accumulated presentation bonus points will be added to your final exam grade.
  • PenaltyIf you fail to present your own, your presentation grade will be “zero” (no attendance and Q&A points) regardless of your attendance to others’ presentations. No exceptions!!!No matter what is your excuse, if you either leave the class without in-advance notice to the instructor or are absent from any of the presentation, you will lose all accumulated bonus points (both attendance and Q&A).
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