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Need an argumentative essay on Air Freight Movement at Birmingham International Airport. Needs to be 60 pages. Please no plagiarism.Download file to see previous pages... Conclusion646.3 Limitations64

Need an argumentative essay on Air Freight Movement at Birmingham International Airport. Needs to be 60 pages. Please no plagiarism.

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6.3 Limitations64

6.4 Recommendations for Future Study65

6.5 Conclusion66



Appendix A: Survey Questionnaire85

Appendix B: Interview Questions88

Appendix C: Interview Details89

Table of Figures


This work has not been previously accepted in substance for any degree and is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degree.

Signed (candidate)



Without the continued emotional and financial support provided by my parents, I may have not reached the end of this journey. During my studies there were times when work commitments and intermittent financial stress made me believe that I would not be able to see this journey through. It was during these times, and many others, that my parents' words of encouragement and their confidence in my ability gave me the motivation to persist. No words of thanks can adequately express the depth of my appreciation and love.

I would also like to seize this opportunity to personally thank my supervisor,. I cannot express the extent to which his support and understanding of my commitments allowed me to reach the end of this journey. His encouragement, support, understanding and, above all, his prompt, constructive and greatly appreciated criticism and feedback, were invaluable to the research, writing and completion of this study. Thank you.

It is to my wife/husband/children that I dedicate my dissertation. He/she/they have always found the time to give me the love and support I needed.


The research study adopts a case study approach to the investigation of the environmental sustainability of air freight activities at Birmingham international Airport beyond 2008. The environmental aspect focused upon was air...

Birmingham International Airport occupies a place of unique importance in the West Midlands economy. It is directly responsible for 6,500 on-site jobs and 1,000 off-site ones, in addition to countless others in airport satellite industries, or companies which have arisen for the purpose of serving the airport (BIH, 2007). The majority of its employees live in the Solihull and Birmingham areas, with the implication being that BIH sustains the local population in addition to vitalising and energising the regional economy.

Its contribution to the regional economy stems from the fact that BIH provides international suppliers and customers with access to the regional market and its air freight activities ensure the secure and speedy transport of goods. Indeed, air freight activities concomitant with the access which BIH provides to the regional market is directly responsible for the generation of overseas investments in the West Midlands worth £1.4 billion in a single year period from April 2001 to March 2002 (BIH, 2007). In other words, BIH is fundamental to the regional economy.

Even while conceding to the unequalled, and possible inestimable, importance of BIH to the West Midlands, a consideration of its environmental impact is necessary. It is essential that BIH’s air freight activities do not function as a threat to the regional environment and that, indeed, environmental sustainability is ensured. Economic contributions, irrespective of volume and scope, should not jeopardise environmental sustainability.

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