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Need an argumentative essay on Coping with Stress. Needs to be 3 pages. Please no plagiarism.Download file to see previous pages... Furthermore, employers respond to higher healthcare costs by scaling

Need an argumentative essay on Coping with Stress. Needs to be 3 pages. Please no plagiarism.

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Furthermore, employers respond to higher healthcare costs by scaling back increases in wages and also increasing cost sharing by their employees. This causes such families to have insufficient financial resources to cater for their needs. Among these needs could be healthcare, resulting in unhealthy population. As a result of this financial strain, the employees could develop stress (Thoits, 2010). The World Health Organization, WHO (2011) observes that unemployment leads to stress that could lead to death. Thus, poor economy propagates development of stress. Stronger economies have the ability to make health care accessible to its citizens thus a healthier population and stronger economy. This could be deduced from studies by Schoen, Osborn, Squires and Doty (2013) which indicate that the health system in the US is better than in developing economies. This could be attributed to the US’ strong economy that enables it to cater for the health needs of its citizens. How Stress Relates to Access to Healthcare, Health and Economy The shift from manufacturing to knowledge dependent economies emphasizes on the significance of mental health on the economy. WHO (2011) appreciates mental health as a state of an individual’s well-being where one realizes own abilities and develops the capability to cope up with normal life’s stresses and productively contribute to the economy. Therefore, interfering with this psychological condition spirals down to the economy of the community. Stress, one of the indications of psychological instability, causes traumas and chronic strains (Thoits, 2010). This poor health condition hampers the population’s ability to contribute optimally to the economy. The resultant poor economy further jeopardizes the ability to access healthcare, resulting in further deterioration of the population’s health. On the other hand, Aguayo-Rico, Guerra-Turrubiates, and Oca-Hernandez (2005) observe that good mental health, free of stress, results in emotional and cognitive flexibility. This makes individuals able to positively adjust to economic stresses. Consequently, minimal resources would be used in healthcare, causing these resources to be used for other productive activities which boost the economy. A healthy population has been noted to positively contribute to the economy. How Health and Access of Healthcare relate to Economy Health and economy have a positive correlation. This could be tested at an individual, regional and even national level. Studies by Bhargava, Jamison, Lau and Murray (2002) show that with better health, the developing nations’ populations have posted increased productivity. This directly impacts on the economy of such countries. Analyzing the context of developed countries, these researchers observed that in Netherlands, poor health, specifically due to disability, negatively impacts on the economy. Therefore, a healthy nation promotes greater economic gains. These findings support the argument by Aguayo-Rico et al. (2005) that health allows the full development of human capacities which directly relate to productivity of such humans. Thus, health and economy have a positive correlation.

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