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Need an argumentative essay on Emotional and behavioral disorders. Needs to be 14 pages. Please no plagiarism.Download file to see previous pages... The paper tells that difficulties within the classr

Need an argumentative essay on Emotional and behavioral disorders. Needs to be 14 pages. Please no plagiarism.

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The paper tells that difficulties within the classroom also create complexities with teaching students and providing the correct curriculum for specialized situations. A problem which is continuing to arise within the classroom is based on behavioral and emotional disorders. This is causing teachers to re-examine the curriculum and approach to teaching for the disorders while requiring new ways to assist with the teaching that is required. While there is the need to change teaching styles for students, there are also problems with understanding the complexity of the disorders and how they need to be approached. Understanding interventions and looking at expectations for those with special needs is the first step to initiating alternatives to teaching and development for students within the classroom while offering inclusive settings for a variety of behaviors. The current status with at risk students has altered since the traditional understanding of children which had specific disorders. In the past, students with disorders were placed in special needs programs and were expected to move at a different pace with the lessons learned. This was followed by the level of the disorder as well as the learning adaptation which the student was able to have in the various situations. The concept of an at risk student was combined with interventions that were expected according to the level of risk, relationship to educators and the social and academic skills that were associated with this. A student was defined as at risk through series of tests as well as alternative applications to those who were a part of the challenges that were created. The support which was required for the students could then be followed by specialists that were able to match the needs of at risk students while defining the emotional and behavioral problems that were hindering the learning experiences of students (Lane et al, 2005). The at risk students that were traditionally defined as having difficulties has led into a different understanding of students which have disorders and problems within society. There are now different noted profiles that are not only defining at risk students but which are also dividing the types of disorders by level and the type of problem which is occurring. Learning disorders that are defined as academic are no longer categorized in the same manner as emotional and behavioral disorders. The social differences with the emotional and behavioral problems are linked specifically to disorders that carry social characteristics. The inability to learn because of emotional difficulties as well as behavioral problems, such as the inability to concentrate on one given topic, is some of the main difficulties. It has been found that the students do not require a change in the academic progress and that the intervention efforts often hinder the capabilities of students to learn the necessary materials for their own progress. It has also been found that when immersion is included in the program for students that they are able to adapt to the academic climate after a period of time which assists them with their capabilities and needed support after a period of time (Lane et al, 2005). Building Student Competencies The changing approach to student behavioral and emotional disorders has also led to the expectation that is based on building student competencies within the classroom. It is expected that students which are able to adjust with specific behaviors are able to have more alternatives to developing the correct option to moving forward with the correct education. Instead of intervention, the approach is based on assisting students to adapt to the learning environment in an alternative manner. By regulating the potential disruption which occurs from students with emotional and behavioral disorders while creating better social responses is expected to assist students with higher levels of cognition with further education.

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