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Need an argumentative essay on Exercises in the ambulance. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.I would need to be thoroughly and constantly motivated in order to best deal with these situations,

Need an argumentative essay on Exercises in the ambulance. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.

I would need to be thoroughly and constantly motivated in order to best deal with these situations, particularly considering that an emergency demands that I be in top form.

Organization. Organization is important for a paramedic. When you are organized then you can treat patients more quickly. For example: When arriving at the accident spot where 2 people have been involved in an accident, I am first on the spot therefore need to quickly assess the situation and what I can best do to help. I need to determine whom is the most hurt and in which places in order to know who to treat first and who gets treated last. Organization helps keep me and others (my patients or assistant) calm, as well as helping me focus on the most important tasks.

Using support: A person’s injuries might sometimes be life threatening. I might not have time to transport him or her to hospital, making it necessary that I conduct the required life-interventions on the spot. This might be traumatic for me, or the person might die despite my greatest efforts. These and other instances would make it easier for me to have a supervisor and/ or teacher that would assist me (someone whom I can talk cases over with) and family and friends whom I can share the pain with.

Realistic expectations – Since I am the ‘doctor on the go’ and perhaps the only one in the situation, I must be prepared to deal with any possible situation. This could involve: CPR, assisting with childbirth, or using EKGs or X-ray devices.

Reflect on their experience. Experience helps me become more confident and relaxed about my work. On the other hand, if I become too confident I might become too smug and make mistakes, therefore, it would help me to always reflect on situations that have occurred and ask myself where I did well and how I can do better.

Strategic thinking. This means that I need to

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