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Need an argumentative essay on Global warming : myth or reality. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.Download file to see previous pages... And they are considering it as a myth. “Ultra violet

Need an argumentative essay on Global warming : myth or reality. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.

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And they are considering it as a myth. “Ultra violet” (Wang &amp. Oppenheimer p. 1) radiation to the earth is the main problem which is being faced by the spices and plants from sun. It heats them and the radiation is making various issues for everyone in earth. It changes the routine of earth and it is one of the reasons for strange climate changes which don’t support the living beings on the earth. One of the popular myths is that Global warming does not exist and the winter season has been getting colder. The reality is that the temperature of winter is rising. And in most of the regions, climate is getting warmer. One of the arguments against this reality is the winter bill of 2003-2004 records of the north-eastern United States. It was the “33rd coldest” (Wang &amp. Oppenheimer p. 1) as recorded during winter. But it is impossible to consider a single record of a particular small place for the cooling climate of earth. Another myth regarding global warming is that the high temperature should be considered as the cycle of earth and nature. They are advocating “Medival Warm Period (MWP)” (Wang &amp. Oppenheimer p. 1) that is ad .1000 to 14, 00 experienced high temperatures than present days. Unfortunately, there is no scientific proof for it and the available sources in regarding to this subject do not indicate that medieval period is warmer than this era. People who were believing global warming is only a myth, states that the reasons of high temperature of atmosphere is due to the factors in universe such as the increasing high rate of “sunlight” and “sunspots”, low rate of “cosmic rays”. Sunspots are the reason for “ultraviolet radiation”. It will reach the lower portion of environment and it will burn up all the living beings by the “ozone layers” (Robinson et al. p.1). One tries to protect the spices and plants from the UV radiation rays. But the sunspots are destroying the protection layers Heat production by the greenhouse gases and the rays from sun are warming the earth. . Actually the reality is the urbanized lifestyle of man and industrialization which are the main reasons for earth warming. These are the factors which increases sunlight and sunspots. “Greenhouse gases” produced by human being is the main cause for warmed nature. The myth states that living being of earth will absorb the changes of atmosphere and they are capable of adjustments like they survived the climatic changes of previous years. But in earth at a very high temperature it is impossible to survive by everyone from the climate as the changes are making side effects to the eco system- living beings, spices and plants. But it doesn’t mean that every spices and plants have survived. The changes of nature have destroyed “various civilizations” in the world earlier, for e.g. Indus Valley civilization and Mesopotamian civilization. In modern days of this era, developed countries will survive from the global warming problems and to the extent with their advanced knowledge and facilities. But the poor third-world countries will face major issues. Still it’s the one cause of making refugees. Thus, global warming is a reason for the poor living conditions. Water issues and poverty are the problems occurring at society because of enviournmental rapid changes and climate change is a side effect of global warming. The myth has always denied the role of Greenhouse gases (GHGs).

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