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Need an argumentative essay on Korean Literature. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism.According to the paper romantic love was introduced as an extravagant idea in most of the literary works of

Need an argumentative essay on Korean Literature. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism.

According to the paper romantic love was introduced as an extravagant idea in most of the literary works of the early twentieth century in Korea. For example in the novel, “The Records of the Newly-Wed”, one can notice that the family of the bridegroom belongs to strata of the well-off middle class. The bridegroom was educated in Japan and is shown working at the construction company. The reason for citing this example is to display that the family has a financial means and the social stand point of the husband within the political structure of the colonial culture that supports the capacity of forbearing, generosity and power to reconcile eventually the humane elements of the story.

The paper describes some the most famous literature works. There were a lot of considerable change in the social, political and economic structure of Korea during the post-war era which reflected in the literature.

After having a thorough gaze at the total course of the Korean literature. it becomes obvious that the course of Korean literature at the first half of the twentieth century and the Korean literature during the later half of the twentieth century are significantly different. This difference has mainly evolved due to the impact of the war on society, politics, economy and general lives of the individual. Therefore, the change in society paved the way for the precise change in literature of colonial era and postwar era. The Korean literature bears the witness of its social change in a very obvious manner.

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