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Need an argumentative essay on Leadership: Wilcoxs Poem. Needs to be 14 pages. Please no plagiarism.This brings out a wholesome portrait of the leader’s personality, the relevance of the ideology, t

Need an argumentative essay on Leadership: Wilcoxs Poem. Needs to be 14 pages. Please no plagiarism.

This brings out a wholesome portrait of the leader’s personality, the relevance of the ideology, the focus of the leader and the ability of the leader to stay current with the situation. Besides, the relevance of a philosophy is contextual, when the context changes without a concurrent change in philosophy it is quickly rendered redundant.

An extension of the philosophy used by these leaders to a multinational corporate context must consider the overall business purpose of the corporation in line with the political, economic, social and cultural factors that come into play during business and the creation and management of excellence

Wilcox’s poem ideates a leader who comes as the right answer at a time when the populace is parched and suffering and looking to someone who cares to alleviate their suffering instead of focusing on personal growth and the furtherance of personal grandeur. In times of difficulty, an individual who seems to provide the solution may start on the right path and get waylaid by the importance placed or continues to follow a steady method of operation without considering the changed context and thereby loses track of the needs of currency. Wilcox’s poem highlights the need for a leader to focus on human suffering and provide hope, strength and kindness. Adichie (Danger of the Single Story, 2009) explains the danger of cultural stereotypes that are formed by unilateral versions and perceptions about different cultures and individuals, the same may be extended to the depiction of world leaders. The tendency to glorify a single aspect of a leader would have us believe in Gandhi as a saint and the non-violence movement as a highly effective means to counter power based government tactics. Gandhi came to a position of leadership when the country was in a state of strife due to the stifling colonial policies that threatened the survival of indigenous resources.

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