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Need an argumentative essay on Literature evaluation 4. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.Download file to see previous pages... It is therefore important that parents are become good role mod

Need an argumentative essay on Literature evaluation 4. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

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It is therefore important that parents are become good role models and expose their children to the right environment. The third research I chose is about the developmental trajectories of aggression from late childhood through adolescence. This research aims about proving that children exhibiting aggression behavior in their childhood are more likely to show these behaviors at their adolescent stage. The above three research culminates from the works of cognitive developmental works by past researchers and founders like Jean Paget, B.F Skinner, Sigmund Freud, and other great psychologists. Through imitation of Aggressive Models (Bandura, Ross,&amp.Ross,1961) Previous studies and data indicate that the phenomena of identification through accidental learning show ready behavior imitation of children from adults. Many researchers and authors who have conducted this experiment have ended up with the same results after the experiments. This is a convincing evidence that behavior is influenced and controlled through imitation using the behavior model technique. Research indicates that children under exposure of aggressive conditions produced the same aggression mainly after imitating their models (Bandura, 1961). Similarly, children exposed to non-aggressive conditions imitated their models and exhibited non-aggressive behavior. We can therefore assume that the behavior imitation is due to subject’s subsequent reinforcement. Research also indicates that there is a difference in terms of behavior transmission with regard to sex. Children perceive their parents differently concerning awarding their modes of behavior. Research indicates that parents tend to reward imitation of appropriate behavior of sex and at the same time punish or discourage sex inappropriate behaviors. For example, a child of male gender is more likely to receive an award by the parents for performing female activities such as cleaning of dishes, cleaning the house, and cooking (Baillargeon RH, 2007). Behavior transmission therefore tends to take a different direction depending on the kind of reinforcement in terms of reward and punishment that the parents offer to children. However, we can assume that since boys are more masculine than girls are, and that aggression is more likely a motor effect, boys tend to imitate aggressive behaviors more than girls do. Research also indicates that children who are exposed to non-aggressive male models are more likely to exhibit less aggressive behavior in comparison to their female counterparts. This explains the kind of influence the female models have on their children in terms of behavior transmission. The ability of a child to observe certain cues and behavior elicit certain kind of responses that a child is likely to exhibit. Adult males fail to influence children behavior more so since they do not spend so much time with their children. Female parents however show a greater probability of influencing children behavior due to the amount of time and affection that children develop towards their female parents. The developmental Trajectories of Aggression from Late Childhood through Adolescence Developmental psychology has proved that there is a difference in terms of aggression exhibition. There are those children that show aggression during their entire life.

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