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Need an argumentative essay on Love and Conflict between Dominique Francon and Howard Roark. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.Download file to see previous pages The fountain of an inflexible

Need an argumentative essay on Love and Conflict between Dominique Francon and Howard Roark. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.

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The fountain of an inflexible love of Dominique Francon, though she wrote and worked to destroy Roark, springs from the incomparable caliber of Howard Roark and his way of working and pertinently connect with the theme and meaning of 'The Fountainhead', which may be classified into romantic realism.

The Fountainhead, published in 1943, is considered as Ayn Rand's first successful best seller, after being rejected by 12 publishers for the reason that it "would not sell because no audience existed for it." (Rand). Ayn Rand declared in an address given at Lewis and Clark College in 1963 that the motive and purpose of writing was 'the projection of an ideal man'. She adds "neither politics nor ethics nor philosophy is an end in itself, neither in life nor in literature." Only Man is an end in himself, and keeping this in mind her purpose of writing Fountainhead was not the philosophical enlightenment of its readers, but "first cause and prime mover is the portrayal of Howard Roark as "an end in itself" (p.vii). At the same time Rand project Roark as a villain and anti-hero, mainly through Peter Keating, the architect friend of Roark, and Ellsworth Toohey, a writer, who are devoid of reasoning, but contempt.

His professional principle as an architect is "I don't intend to build in order to have clients. I intend to have clients in order to build." (p. 26). Roark, a redhead, with sincerity, commitment, and the unconventional outlook is hated by many traditionalists of New York. The Dean of Stanton Institute of Technology label Roark as 'not a man to be encouraged. You are dangerous.' When Roark was expelled from Stanton Architectural School for his noncompliance with conventional ideas he chose to work with Henry Cameron, once famous architect who was nurturing comparable ideals. Even though Cameron's individualistic ideas were not acceptable to the public and he was struggling to sustain, Roark's choice of Cameron as his mentor indicates his determination to realize his architectural dream partnering with a like-minded person, rather than compromising his individuality. It is his uncompromising nature of sticking to his professional values and embracing excellence that is envied by others who sacrifice artistic ideals and personal integrity for self-existence.&nbsp.

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