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Need an argumentative essay on Middle Eastern Politics Political Science. Needs to be 3 pages. Please no plagiarism.Initially the area was broken into three Mandates: Palestine under Britain, Mesopota

Need an argumentative essay on Middle Eastern Politics Political Science. Needs to be 3 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Initially the area was broken into three Mandates: Palestine under Britain, Mesopotamia under Britain, Syria under France. But in the 1920s Syria and Palestine were subdivided, Syria into the countries of Syria and Lebanon, Palestine into the countries of Jordan and Palestine. Also, Kuwait was kept separate from Mesopotamia.

These incidences left the new Arab states weak and divided and further were the cause for subsequent conflict.

“Under the Mandate system, conquered lands were placed into one of three categories (A, B, C) and were assigned to a victorious power to govern. The countries of the Arab world were declared to be Level A Mandates, meaning that they were at a very advanced stage of development and would have only a short period of British or French control. Level A Mandates were to be autonomous (self-governing) within a short time and were to choose their own leaders and shape their own destiny. (Mandates of the B and C levels were declared to be less advanced. Most of Africa was in the B category, some small islands in the Pacific were C, meaning that independence was unlikely in the foreseeable future).

In 1922 Palestine (west of the Jordan River) became a Level A Mandate under British control” (, 1993).

“The period from the outbreak of World War I in 1914 to the granting of France's mandate over Syria by the League of Nations in 1922 was marked by a complicated sequence of events and power politics during which Syrians achieved a brief moment of independence” (Library of Congress Country Studies, 1987).

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