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Need an argumentative essay on Music is good. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.Music is very important. Whenever I feel stressed up and incapable of moving on, music has always been a tool fo

Need an argumentative essay on Music is good. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Music is very important. Whenever I feel stressed up and incapable of moving on, music has always been a tool for self-consolation and encouragement. Moreover, music offers best motivational tool when doing certain works. As can be proved, the sounds and rhythms triggered by various forms of music can drive one into dancing that mainly involves the multidirectional movement of the body parts. These movements help in maintaining physical, emotional and psychological fitness that are good for healthy living. Training in music requires extra commitment and punctuality that in turn demands good organization of individual’s programs. Adherence to these demands automatically helps in developing self-discipline in the individual musician.

In conclusion, music is an essential component of societal life as it majorly targets at shaping societies in more positive manner. Music has the required potentials of helping an individual child develop quick and perfect linguistic skills. Recurrent exposure to various sounds and tones of music helps in nurturing the cognitive development of an individual child as it enhances listening, speaking and reading skills of an individual listener. Music is also consolatory tool especially when individuals undergo stress and emotional discord. Music is also vital motivational tool especially when individuals perform various types of work. Music makes has the potential of making otherwise difficult tasks appear easy as it stimulates concentration and happiness.

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