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Need an argumentative essay on Social contract theory suggests that people enter into society as fully formed individuals to satisfy their pre-social needs.This the state is always regarded as a neces

Need an argumentative essay on Social contract theory suggests that people enter into society as fully formed individuals to satisfy their pre-social needs.This the state is always regarded as a necessary evil.Discuss how this idea is mapped out in the political philosophy of KANT. How. Needs to be 10 pages. Please no plagiarism.

This theory has an important historical base and illustrates the “political and moral obligations” of the people of a community towards each other. This theory describes a problem and attempts to provide a solution. The problem is that human beings are by nature unsocial and do not feel the inclination to build and stay in cooperative societies. The solution to this is that human beings agree by contract to stay together in a society and be civil and helpful to each other. This society will be regulated by a governing body which the members of the community will select. From this mutual contract, people become conscious of moral obligations towards each other. There is a natural inclination among people to take advantage of each other although every individual never wants to get exploited by others. Therefore, to protect themselves from getting exploited, people enter into a tacit understand that they will not exploit others only if others do not exploit them. Social contract theory provides rights and responsibilities for both the community and its government. The members of a community have the right to form a government that will maintain law and order in the society and give punishments to criminals. It is the responsibility of the government to protect the citizens from foreign invasion. Even the U.S. Declaration of Independence endorses this theory by stating that all people have the right to oppose the government if it interferes with the individual rights and happiness of the people (Fieser, 2000, pp.93-94). Social contract theory suggests that people enter into society as fully formed individuals to satisfy their pre-social needs. This paper focuses on the evil side of this state by studying the political philosophy of Kant.

The social contract theory of Kant contains his political philosophy. He gives the definition of an ideal republic state by saying that it must follow the idea of social contract

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