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Need an research paper on developing working relationship with colleagues. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on developing working relationship with colleagues. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. This relationship enhances the morale and self-assurance within colleagues fraternity in the workplace since the workmates have guarantee for continuous support from the employers. It also sets a free environment where both the employer and the employee can easily present their views with ease. By setting a free environment with the employees, an individual also improves the doors for future opportunities. The accountability may be through one of the employees that may guarantee the support needed in any of the available opportunities somewhere. Productive working relationships are quite significant for every professional. At the workplace, are the immediate people that offer training, general support, and advice to new employees who are expected to grow both physically and psychologically.

Moreover, a personal analysis must be conducted using the SWOT terminology adopted from marketing. For instance, through interaction with colleagues, a sales manager must ascertain their strengths in the job, weaknesses, and opportunities open to them and potential threats or coercions to their success. Additionally, such relationships enable employees to draft a ‘force diagram’ that will pinpoint the forces that drive employees towards accomplishment and those that restrain them from success.

Developing productive working relationship may also enable one to establish the best networks that one may not have had before or may not even have in the future. It allows the officer in charge to understand each employee or employer in terms of race, political, social and economic contextual.

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