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Need an research paper on environmental impact assessment in australia. Needs to be 9 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on environmental impact assessment in australia. Needs to be 9 pages. Please no plagiarism. (EIS), and the assessment report (Thomas 2005, 153) in fulfilling its set objectives, Elliot and Thomas (2009) observed that EIA inevitably gets involved in society’s politics essentially turning it to be a political process (xii), which Thomas (2005) described to include not only ‘politics of parties and election’ but also ‘politics of personal and organizational survival’ (152). This as anyone could imagine would say that EIA is practically a struggle of all stakeholders to influence and get their particular interest into decision-makers in any way they find it necessary as far as their capacity could lead them and as desperately as their interest would require them. Moreover, Taylor and Quigley (2002) emphasized EIA as a developing approach (2) – a dynamic process that should respond to the changing developmental needs of society and humanity as shown by EIA’s historical evolution.

Society started out without having any notion yet of this so-called EIA. But as society progressed – increasing mobility of people using carriages and assembly of a large group of people – concern with pollution as a social problem increased which inevitably led to the legislation of laws regulating the problem.

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