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Need an research paper on how can community social work methods be used to tackle poverty and social exclusion in england. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.
Need an research paper on how can community social work methods be used to tackle poverty and social exclusion in england. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. Community Social Work One of the most distinct characteristics of the human race is their willingness to help one anotherin times of need. This is something that can be said not to be seen in species, and it is what puts us above the rest of the world’s animals. The main way that this is done is through social work whereby individuals are able to help raise the quality of life of other individuals within the community (Sowers & Dulmus, 2008).
This can be said to be the main objective of community social work (that is, raising the quality of life of their fellow man) and two of the main problems that social workers aim to tackle include poverty and social exclusion. This is done through a number of methods through which they aim to the impact of these two dilemmas until hopefully they can be wholly eradicated from the community (Payne, 2011). Poverty can be defined as a state of meager means whether it is economically or in references in life (Cree, 2010). Social exclusion refers to the act of locking out the less privileged from things that they should be able to enjoy alongside everyone else mainly due to their social status.
There are various methods that individuals who are involved in community social work have implemented in order to erase these two issues from the society (that is poverty and social exclusion). These methods are meant to handle the key cause of the problems so as to ascertain that they eradicated completely (Popple & Leighninger, 2008). Some of these methods include:
Training Classes
Social workers often hold training sessions on various business subjects in underprivileged areas in a bid to provide them with means and ideas with which they will be able to support themselves with (Stepney & Popple, 2008). Teaching individuals skills such as carpentry and how to efficiently run a business will ensure that are able to improve their economic situation in the long run and is better than simply offering money which may be spent leaving them in the same place once it is over (Pierson, 2010).
Policy Representation
The main reason behind social exclusion can be said to the structure of various policies that have been set in place to only benefit the financially stable and thus it is important for such policies to be changed (Grinnell & Unrau, 2008). However, many of those suffering from social exclusion are not aware of this and thus there is a need for individuals to step up and fight for their rights on behalf of this population which is a task that social groups have taken upon themselves.
Improvement of Public Utilities
A large number of the people who utilize public utilities such as schools and hospitals do so because they have no choice as a result of their economic situation (Coulshed & Orme, 2012). Therefore, it is necessary for such utilities to be improved upon in certain areas such as their physical structure as well as quality of service that is offered. By doing this, the community can ensure that everyone is able to enjoy the equal number of opportunities as everyone else be it better education or improved healthcare and this in turn raises the quality of life that a society is able to offer its members.
Coulshed, V. and Orme, J. 2012. Social Work Practice: An Introduction. 5th ed, Palgrave
Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire.
Cree, V.E. 2010. Sociology for Social Workers and Probation Officers. 2nd ed,
Routledge, . New York, NY.
Grinnell, R. M. & Unrau, A. Y. 2008. Social Work Research and Evaluation:
Foundations of Evidence-Based Practice (8th ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. New York, NY.
Payne, M. 2011. Humanistic Social Work: Core Principles in Practice, Palgrave
Macmillan, Chicago, Lyceum, Basingstoke
Pierson, J. 2010. Tackling Social Exclusion. 2nd ed., Routledge, London.
Popple, P. R. & Leighninger, L. 2008. The Policy-Based Profession: An Introduction to
Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers (4th ed.), Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA.
Sowers, K. M. & Dulmus, N. C. and others. 2008. Comprehensive Handbook of Social
Work and Social Welfare, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
Stepney, P. and Popple, K. 2008. Social Work and the Community: A Critical Context
for Practice, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire.