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Need an research paper on how have the wars changed womens lives in the congo puechguirbal argues that congolese women must be a part of the peace process. do you think this would change things if so,

Need an research paper on how have the wars changed womens lives in the congo puechguirbal argues that congolese women must be a part of the peace process. do you think this would change things if so, how if not, why. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. EFFECTS OF CONGO WAR ON WOMEN AND THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN PEACE MAKING PROCESS EFFECTS OF CONGO WAR ON WOMEN AND THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN PEACE MAKING PROCESS

The war in Congo is the largest genocide after the World War II and it took the lives of approximately 5.4 million people. The war took place in two phases, the first Congo war and the second Congo wars taking place in 1996-1997 and 1998-2003 respectively. The war involved the communities of Hutu and Tutsi although it moved across the boarders affecting other communities and even neighboring countries. The war led to there being an estimated two million refugees mainly from the Hutu who settled at the boarders as they escaped the deadly war. The effects of this war were severe and particularly on women since they were no able to defend themselves.

During the war in Congo, men left their women and families and moved to the forests to defend their communities. The women were left to care for their families which proved very difficult without the companion of their husbands. No economic activity or farming was taking place during this time of war and the stored food run out. Women were faced by hunger and they were left in pain watching their children die out of hunger. A report from the UN showed that 12% of the deaths during the war were caused by lack of food. This war left many women childless and without husbands since most of them were killed in the forest during the war and this has brought the greatest social inequality that ever existed in the world.

Sexual violation was rampant during this war as the women were forced to have sex since they were armless and at the same time harmless. Women were forced to have sex to protect their children from being killed and this led to traumatization among women and an increased spread of sexually transmitted diseases. No medical care was operating during the war and hence the women were not treated after the sexual assaults. The results were unwanted children leading to an end of the happy families that existed(Gettleman, 2007,p.7). The war has created a situation that has led to women living in fear and with no trust on their military. Women have also been burdened with the responsibility of taking care of their children since the number of men reduced massively and the report by UN showed that 41.3% of all the women in Condo are single mothers(Gettleman, 2007,p.7).

Despite the severe impacts, the Congo people have been positive in rebuilding their nation through peace-making processes. The united Nation in conjunction with government has played a big role in the process that has involved not only the political giants but also the people on the ground. Puechguirbal argument that women should also be involved in the peace making process is very correct since they were also affected by the war. Peace is a process that requires the involvement of both men and women since they part of its enactment and part of effects. The process of peacemaking is life-long and the partnership between men and women and their equality is the backbone to its success(Reyntjens, 2005, p.244). Involving women in the peace-making plan will help wipe away the notion in the culture that the female gender is weak and hence cases of rape may reduce and the family ties will improve. Most women in the country are single mothers and hence the greater population is made up of women. Involving them in peace talks will be a representation of the larger population and the decisions made will favor the majority who are women.

In conclusion, women involvement in the peace making process will benefit the country since gender equality will be exercised and the larger population will be represented. This will speed up the peace process and the country will be return to a normal state.


Gettleman, J. 2007. Rape epidemic raises trauma of Congo war. New York Times, Oct 7 2007, viewed March 23, 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/07/world/africa/07congo.html?pagewanted=all

Reyntjens, F. 2005.The Congo War: Peace making. African Affairs, p.241-250.

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