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Need an research paper on human services administrator everyday work. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on human services administrator everyday work. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. Another staffing challenge associated with the administration of the Human Services agencies is the ethical and professional conduct breach by the Human Service agency staffs. The staff of the agency does not adhere to all the required standards of ethical and professional conduct for the Human Services profession, causing a violation of the effective delivery of services to the clients. The budgeting challenge is another major challenge faced by the Human Services administrators on a day-to-day performance of duties, due to the shortage of the available resources for committing to the different needs of the clients. The budgeting challenge is mostly increased by the prioritization need, due to the fact that there are different needs that require to be prioritized, yet the resource limitation requires the funding of a single or a few needs, such that other needs will be prioritized in the future. Further, aligning the functions and the daily activities of the organization with the organizational mission is still a challenge at times, due to the fact that the organizational mission may be formulated in a manner that it is more demanding than the existing resources. This might cause some of the objectives that the organization has set with certain time limits to be unachieved, due to lack of necessary resources to undertake such functions.

The political implications of the human services administration have been in conflict with the local authorities over the mobilization of the grassroots support through the Human Services agency’s programs. The authorities have been piling pressure on the human services administrators to prioritize the services and programs that take a political angle, at the expense of the more humanitarian services that may not add any political mileage. Such conflicts have often seen the political implications in human services that causes administrators to enter into a dilemma of prioritizing the agency programs. This is because. most urgent needs might be the humanitarian needs, yet the political pressure forces the administrators to forfeit such priorities for the future implementation.

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