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Need an research paper on is there a different in attitude toward cesarean section between women in iran and women in united kingdom. Needs to be 40 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on is there a different in attitude toward cesarean section between women in iran and women in united kingdom. Needs to be 40 pages. Please no plagiarism. The items in the questionnaire were all in English. Procedure. The questionnaire was distributed to participants in through two hospitals in Iran and one hospital in Britain. All participants were from the middleclass and were educated at pre or post university levels. The Iranian participants were all literate in English. Results. The results of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) showed two factors emerging from the questionnaire which were labeled as “Preference for CS” and “Misconceptions about CS”. Overall, the Iranian participants gave lower ratings on both factors compared to their British counterparts which imply more support for Cesarean Section. There was also a positive correlation between age and the two factors. Marital status and having children did not influence their preference for and misconceptions about the procedure. It was thus concluded that more effective information dissemination must be carried out about the advantages and disadvantages of CS, to allow women to make more informed choice. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 6 1.1 Introduction 6 1.2 Background of the Study 6 1.2.1 Reasons for the Choice of CS 7 1.2.2&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Influences to CS Choice 8 Prevalence of CS in Britain and in Iran 9 Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature 11 2.1&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Introduction 11 2.2 Overview of Cesarean Section (CS) 11 2.3 Factors that Influence CS Choice Among Women in Iran 14 2.4 Factors that Influence CS Choice Among Women in Britain 17 2.5 Empirical Studies 21 2.6 Conclusion 28 2.7 Research Aims 30 2.8 Research Questions 30 2.9 Research Approach 31 2.10 Research Methodology 32 Chapter 3 Method 34 3.1&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Research Design 34 3.2 Participants 34 3.3&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Materials 34 3.4 Procedure 35 3.5 Data Collection Procedures 35 3.6&nbsp. Ethical Considerations 36 3.7&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Method of Data Analysis 37 Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 38 4.1&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Introduction 38 4.2 Results 38 4.3&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Discussion 46 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 51 5.1&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Conclusions 51 5.2&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Recommendations 53 References 55 Appendix A – Survey Questionnaire 66 List of Tables Table 1. Principal component analysis of survey items. 38 Table 2. Cronbach Alpha: Factor 1 (Preference for CS). 40 Table 3. Cronbach Alpha: Factor 2 (Misconceptions about CS). 41 Table 4. Descriptive Statistics: Status x Having Children on Factor 1(Preference for CS). 41 Table 5. Between-Subjects Effects: Status x Having Children on Factor 1 (Preference for CS). 41 Table 6. Descriptive Statistics: Status x Having Children on Factor 2 (Misconceptions about CS). 42 Table 7. Between-Subjects Effects: Status x Having Children on Factor 2 (Misconceptions about CS). 43 Table 8. Descriptive Statistics: Cultural Groups on Factors 1 (Preference for CS) and 2 (Misconceptions about CS). 43 Table 9. Correlations: Age vs. Factors 1 (Preference for CS) and 2 (Misconceptions about CS). 44 Table 10. Descriptive Statistics: Having Children x Cultural Group on Factor 1 (Preference for CS). 45 Table 11. Between-Subjects Effects: Having Children x Cultural Group on Factor 1 (Preference for CS). 45 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.

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