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Need an research paper on leadership and management for service improvement. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on leadership and management for service improvement. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. This stage of our group formation had been lagging for a while before I emerged as a facilitative leader. When this stage passed, our relationships became more harmonious with agreed upon values and rules of operation. Each member began to take responsibility, as they understood their other team members, with the group leader taking a back seat to proceedings. As the group leader, I think I took up a democratic style of leadership. These types of leaders make decisions at the final stage but include the other team members in the process of decision-making (Gillam, 2011: p65). While I took care of coordinating the team and their work delivery, I allowed them to carry out their research without giving instructions. However, whatever went into the report was finally decided upon by me, with any additional material needed communicated to the team member responsible. The benefits of this sort of leadership are numerous. The team members got job satisfaction since they all participated in drafting the final assignment. This style also helped to develop their research skills. The members of the team felt that they controlled the destiny of their assignment marks thus felt more motivated to do their best (Hartley &amp. John, 2010: p26). However, since participation by all members takes time, the decision-making process was slow. Coulin’s absence caused the assignment’s timeline to stretch.

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