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Need an research paper on methodology paper for phd research, the proposal is ready but the methodology needs to be amended. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on methodology paper for phd research, the proposal is ready but the methodology needs to be amended. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. As the Gulf countries traded with the world, they have gained both capital and expertise to go beyond the passive investments that have dominated the flow of capital in the region in the past. Legrenzi and Momani have pointed this out, arguing that the profits accumulated from the years of stable and high oil prices have enabled the GCC states to have a wider range of investment choices. (p20) A parallel development is the perception that BITs have or will create a special limb of international customary law. (Dolzer and Schreuer, 2008, p2) It has been argued for the most part that BITs have evolved to such an extent that they have their own unique regulatory laws within the wider scope of international commercial laws. (Dolzer and Schreuer, p2) This expectation led to the favorable attitude on BITs. Sornarajah, however, raised an interesting point warranting further exploration and research. According to him, the fact that there has been an increase in BITs for some time and no legal standards has been established as yet should already demonstrate how these treaties have not been able to create the “customary principles of international law” for protecting the movement of foreign capital.

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