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Need an research paper on russia and realism. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on russia and realism. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. The Russian government will see that current conflicts in some parts of the world such as the Middle East are dealt with in a manner that will not harm the players of the conflict. In this regard, the Russian President pointed out that they will apply soft power in such hot spots. According to the article, soft power brings all conflicting parties together. this will avoid a situation where a powerful state like the U.S. using military options in solving conflicts. The changes made by Russia with regard to foreign policy will see its government move on playing a major role in international affairs. This would happen despite the huge disagreement that has been there for many decades between the U.S. and the Russian state.

Just recently, the U.S. and Russia have not been on good terms because of Syrian conflicts. The United States was accusing the Russian government of backing the Bashar Al Assad regime. On the other hand, Russia has been opposing the U.S. government’s plans to set up a missile defense system in Europe. Despite their disagreements in many terms, both powerful states have one goal, solving the increasing financial crisis globally.

Some people however might argue that Russian is less powerful in terms of military, economy, and foreign influence. Let’s compare Russia with the U.S. both are deemed the most countries in the world. Russia is less powerful economically and militarily than the United States. Studies show that the U.S. GDP is five times that of Russian. The U.S. spends a lot of money on its military than Russian. The United States spends close to $682 Billion while Russian spends less than $500 Billion. On the other hand, the Russian government is seen as an unfriendly nation making it have fewer friends as compared to the United States. All those issues make Russia less influential than the United States. However, things are changing, first, as mentioned above the change of foreign policy by the state of Russian will see&nbsp.more states working with Russia.

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