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Need an research paper on the nature of mangerial work. Needs to be 1 page. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on the nature of mangerial work. Needs to be 1 page. Please no plagiarism. THE NATURE OF MANAGERIAL WORK Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Discuss and provide three words which could help identify effective leadership. 3 What is meant by role conflict? How can it be reduced and to what extent is it inevitable? 3 Reference 5 “Prolonged highly political decision processes is likely when decisions involve important and complex problems for which no ready-made good solutions are available, when many affected parties have conflicting interest and when a diffusion of power exists among the parties.” Discuss and provide three words which could help identify effective leadership. For an effective solution to critical problems that might arise in an organisation leader must have a decision making skill to understand the situation and take decision very tactfully to keep the situation under control. There will be influences from different parties in complex situation but after analysing the situation individual should take decision to satisfy in a political way. Time manager is another quality a leader should possess. Taking instant decision within the time constraints for good solution is very important for being a leader. Monitoring and negotiation after proper communication is a vital skill the leader should have to understand the demand of the environment and settle the conflict amongst parties after evaluation of problems arising from all side and take control of the diffused power. What is meant by role conflict? How can it be reduced and to what extent is it inevitable? At different level of the organisation individuals are assigned with different roles and functions. Each and every people have a certain responsibility to perform and it has a direct relation with the other roles of the organisation. There is a centre of focus in the organisation which influences the other roles through direct or indirect way. The effect can be just at the next level or it can also be distributed at several levels without any reason for the conflict. This conflict in roles at different levels of the organisation due to the logical incompatibility is known as role conflict (Harigopal, 1995, p. 12). The role conflict can be avoided through proper communication process and make people understand the expectation from the levels. Well evaluation of the responsibilities and the conflicting demands can be discussed to find solutions and resolve the conflict. Reference Harigopal, K. (1995). Organizational Stress: A Study Of Role Conflict. Universities Press.

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