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Need an research paper on the philosophy of epicurus. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on the philosophy of epicurus. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. The essay "The Philosophy of Epicurus" discusses the Epicurus's thoughts regarding the capability of everyone for seeking wisdom, the happiness to be the ultimate objective of studying philosophy and concerning religion.

At the beginning of the first paragraph of his “”Letter to Menoeceus”, Epicurus says that everyone either young or old should study philosophy because “it is never too early nor too late to care for the well-being of the soul”. According to him, philosophy can bring happiness to the soul. One should study it for the happiness of mind. Again Epicurus says that the young people “can retain the happiness of youth in his pleasant memories of the past” when the old can enjoy the fearlessness of the youth even in their old age: “although he is old he may at the same time be young by virtue of his fearlessness of the future.” Again at the end of the paragraph, he comments that the ultimate objective of studying philosophy is “securing happiness”, and therefore “we do everything in order to gain it”. We can infer that Epicurus believed that happiness is the ultimate objective of studying philosophy.

According to Epicurus, our “common sense” or “popular opinion” tells us that gods must be immortal and blessed. Indeed this “common sense” is man’s capability of reasoning or proving something by something by logic. The commonality of man’s perception of himself or others lies at the heart of these “reasons” or “common sense”.

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