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Need an research paper on tourism system in molokai. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on tourism system in molokai. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. Sustainable development incorporates the various economic activities since they affect the nature of tourist attraction centers since tourism is directly dependent upon the level of maintenance done on the natural environment.

Moloka’i is one of the small rural Hawaiian islands divided into three district regions which includes. mountains and valleys of East Moloka'i, the central plain and also the open terrain of West Moloka’i. The island’s population as per the year 2000 was approximated at 7000, these being predominantly Native Hawaiian (Hawaii Business Research Library, 2007). Before the 18th Century, the natives lived in the valleys of East Moloka'i where they depended on water and land resources for a rich living (McGregor, 2007). However, the arrival of westerners in late 18th Century brought crucial changes to the native’s social life, natives were known as Kanaka Maoli. The island of Moloka'i became the cultural center (Kipuka) during Hawai’s political and economic hard times. The cultural Kїpuka were known to be cultural communities of Kua’ãina who lived in the pre-colonial era.

Geographically Moloka'i is an isolated land and identified by researchers as suitable for industrial agricultural production. However, during the social upheaval in Hawai’i in the nineteenth century, investors from Honolulu purchased part of the land utilizing it as Moloka’i Ranch (McGregor 2007). The Ranch was later acquired by Guoco whose current primary activity is based on real estate development. The social, economic and political inclination within Moloka’i was shaped by the Hawaiian Homelands Commission under the influence of the US federal government. Homesteaders who settled on the island survive economically through leasing of their land ownership to commercial ventures from outside the island. The current sustenance economy is based on the market economy despite the presence of a few amenities.&nbsp.

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