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************************ CommunityName ** student:Institution ** Affiliation:        IntroductionThe **** for ******* *** ******** ** best ********* by *** ************ ******* that *** in ***** In *** ****** ****** *** ************ ********* ** run ** its ***** ******* ** **** ** ** inculcated ******* The ************ ********* ** ********* **** ****** ******* ****** ** well as ******* Besides *** ******* ** united ****** *** within *** jurisdiction ** the ************ ********* ** ********** ****** ** the ************ ********* is **** **** evaluate **** they ***** ** * **** **** *********** **** ***** ** ** much ******** ** *** ********** of **** **** learn The *********** **** ** ******** through learning ** then interpreted *** ************** made ** *** to ** ******** ** **** has **** assessed *** ************ community ** ****** ** the **** to **** *** type ** information **** is ****** ****** *** ******* of ****** states ********** ***** ************ *** ***** **** ********* the ***** ** the ************ community ** *** ****** ******************* intelligence community ** ****** by *** **** ** know **** which *** ******* *** ******* are ********* The ************ professionals ****** **** ****** *** *********** *** ******* intelligence They *** obligated ** adhere to *** **** ** **** ** policies established in protecting *** rights ** the ********* An ********** ** the **** ******** ******** issues has ***** **** *** ************ ********* ******** **** **** ********** ** * set ** people ******* to ** a ********* block ** *** ************ ******* The ******** and ********** created ** *** ************ ********* agencies are ***** ** ****** **** *** ********* comply **** *** ***** ********** ** **** ** the ******** ************ ********** intelligence specialists *** *** ********* and ************ policies *** **** ********** of *** ****** ** the US persons ******* ** ** ********* **** *** ******** *** *********** ** **** prohibit the ***** ******** ** *********** ******* *** ********* *** even ********** When **** ********* ***** the **** to ***** ** ********** ********** ****** can ** ******** ** ***** *** ****** ** ******* *********** **** *** is ******* *** ********* However the policies reveal **** *** to *** ********* ** share *********** ** ** ******* **** ** is a large ******* ************ ************ ****** *** ******** agency form **** of *** ************ ********* ************ *** ******** ******** form **** ** *** intelligence ********* The *********** ** *** intelligence community ** Support ** *** department ** ******** ******** *** ******** security through ************ *********** ** the state ***** ****** as **** ** *** territorial ******* The ************ ********* *** ****** ******* ** support ******** ******** As * ******** ****** ***** **** ******** ******* ******* the ************ ***** with that of *** *********** ******* the recent ******* ** the ****** States ******* ineffective ************ against ****** ******* ** **** ** effective ******* ******** ********** ***** ******** ****** that *** barriers ********* civil liberties **** *** ***** *** ********* ** ** ******* ***** ** *** policies ********** *** *********** ****** is mandated ** ***** ************ information to *** intelligence ********* ** the expense ** *** ************ organizations sharing compartmented ************ *********** ****** ** intelligence *********** ****** *** ***** law *********** ****** to ******* *************** ** **** ** ****** **** ****** resources are ******** effectively ****** *********** ******** **** there ** ****** ** *********** by *** ************ ********* ********** ***** **** *** ************ ********* ensures **** access ** *********** ** a ************************ ** intelligence *********** ** *** ************ ********* ** ** ******** **** ******** ******** security The **** for ******* *********** ** fundamental ** ******** ******** ******* technology trends ** *** intelligence ********* ** the local federal *** ***** ***** *** enable ***** access to the ****** ** ************* ******** **** *** pose * challenge ** *** **************** *** ***** ** ****** ** *** levels ** ************* ****** of government have ********* **** *** being ********** ** **** of the ****** **** of *** ******** *********** **** **** *** ******* ****** ** social ******* democracy as **** ** ************* *********** Since all ****** ** ********** **** ******** **** *** ***** ********** *** need ** share ** **** ***** ***** to *** ************ of *** ***** ******* *** ****** ********* ******** * change *** ***** to be ******** Besides ******* ** the federal ***** and ***** ********** ***** ** the ********* ** ******* with ********* ******** groups ** **** ** * ****** ******** where unity ** ** purpose *** ***** at *** global civil ******* ***** ** *** realization ** *** **** cause **** the need ** ***** is highly promoted ** ******* **** ** focus on *** single ***** **** ***** to ****** ******* *********** ****** ** al ***** The **** to ***** ***** to transformative change ** ***** ** an understanding ** *** ****** ******** **** *** encountered ** *** different ****** ** ************** *** ********* ****** *** ********** ** all ****** ** ********** equitably the ***** ***** of sharing ** ****** encouraged ***** ** ** ************* ** *** ********* context ***** ** ******** ****** ******** ** derived — understanding *** ***** ** ******* ***** ** ********* distribution ** resources *** **** *** ******* ** *** ***** ***** ** one way ** *********** ******** which ********* ****** ********** ** *** ****** at ********* ********** ****** ******* the ******** ****** ****** The **** *** ******* ***** ** ******* *** social ********* democracy ****** as well ** environmental stewardship **** ** ***** experienced at *** ********* levels of ********** Citizens ****** ******* when sharing ** ****** ********* Besides a sense of ***** understanding ***** on the relationship ******* ** ******** ** *** long run ** ****** ********** ** *** government ** *** long *** ******** ****** *** also addressed ******* the ************ ********* where vital *********** **** relates ** ****** *** security is ********* ****** ** ** ***** Thus *** need for ******* ********* many ********** at *** different levels ** ********************************************* J * ********* US intelligence community ****************** * * ******************* From ******* to ****** ** pressDawes * * ********* * M COMMENTATORS T * * ******* * * ***** CAUDLE S * ****** **** “need to know” ** ******* ** ********* ******* ******** *********** ********** and *** ******** ** ****** ****** knowledge ******** ********** ****** ***************** ******* *********

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