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need help figuring out the math 151 problem ive attached to the message

Q MamAs AssessmenrJ fl 15x45 Legarnnmievre. x Homework HdprQM' x (— C l n Secure \ h1lps://malhas.pvcmarICopa.edu/assessmenl/Shuwtestphp?regen:1&page:0 Apps @chennmee a Amamnxam‘Samsu ASeMuAvizanarArI nda debunk 5133‘ClarkaMaunm D Nemae Y Vanee D sadbgmtalgelznm Home > MAT151 1017 El Spr ng 16195 On rue >mment Video Laeson 4.5 Logarithmic Properties Remember the anmMng: . You enomd have pnnced on your Notes (arms (lass m the Course Materials lower.2. You snoum be watmmg the Course \Adeu and fing m your pnnned nete guroe as you wattn me vrdeo. 11 rtrs wm‘ten on me sCreen emre mdeo, rt sheum he wntten on your notes.3. You er not be ame to hegln are Homework lor mus semen untH you (omp‘ete tins assrgnment at 100%. 4. You tan tonunue to attemptdre You Try quesuons as many umes asypu hke. Alter gemng a pmb‘em wmng 3 umes, you ran thtk on "Try another srrrmar quesuon" u) get more attempts atme problem (See Prmure below) Score on last attempt: |:| 0 out of 5 (pans: fl 012.5, t 02.5) Score in gradebook: |:| 0 out of 5 (pans: 8 9/25,” 9/25) Try another srmer quesnon or seed another question Th'squeslion,wilh your taste sweran bebw Tom Points Possrh‘e: 100 when you are done, suck harem see a summary oryeur scare Dnrha m »Part] Given Ilntlog1(t) 3.6a,lng,(r) 7 2.44. and10g7(y) 7 5.05, find are fullnvu'ng:nm e emPart 2 t‘r"W... r47.)Par: 3run, e gmPm“ Romn'yaur Drum/er re 2 decimazpzaser er needed.nm e OmSubmilQuestion 2. Fomis possm‘e: 25 m“?!nus rs attempt 1 ol 3.

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