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Need help with my writing homework on How Technology has Changed Our Lives. Write a 1250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on How Technology has Changed Our Lives. Write a 1250 word paper answering; Technology has changed the way people work. Currently, the use of smartphones and laptops has enabled people to work far from their offices and other workplaces. It is the internet that allows organizations to store their information in cyberspaces. The stored information can be accessed and retrieved using internet-enabled devices. Thus, an employee can access the company information using a smartphone and work from remote places without travelling to the workplace (Dewey). Working from remote places also enables managers to act on urgent matters that could otherwise be delayed by the inconveniences of travelling to the workplace (Cairncross 10).

Apart from the convenience of working from remote places, internet technology has also transformed the workplace itself. Currently, the internet is also becoming a workplace, particularly for self-employed people. Such as people, who are mostly IT experts, can work by providing specialized services to internet-based organizations. For example, some of them look for security weaknesses in the websites of some companies. Once they identify the loopholes, they inform the respective companies to take action immediately before hackers can exploit them. Thus, without the internet, the jobs of such people could not exist (Centertech).

Technology has transformed the conventional way of doing business. Nowadays, it is possible to buy or sell items on the internet. Credit cards allow people to do some transactions from their homes. There is no point of going to a bank to withdraw cash for shopping or to pay for utility bills. Indeed it is a suitable way of doing business because one does not even have to travel to shopping malls to purchase some items. The items can be requested or ordered and&nbsp.delivered to the customer's doorstep (Dewey).

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