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Need help with my writing homework on Life as the Ultimate Gift. Write a 500 word paper answering;
Need help with my writing homework on Life as the Ultimate Gift. Write a 500 word paper answering; The major stated goal of the pro-life movement is to "restore legal protection to innocent human life" (Matthew, 2006). This includes the protection of the fetuses and embryos, those who are physically incapacitated that cannot tell their thoughts anymore, and people who are too weak. There are three kinds of people in the world: those who only watch things to happen, those who know how to make things happen, and those who don't even know whatever it is that hit them. Today, the majority of the people of the world are those who sometimes cannot even be bothered with what's happening, and the ones who make up the first and the last category. In today's reality, it is very hard to establish a common goal and further, fight for it. as people also consider the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is believed that it is the direct killing of an innocent child, and by the term, it is also a kind of "murder" by the same person who gave life to it.
It is no longer just the issue of a woman's right to choose the number of children that she will bear. There is the issue of what kind of future we wish our children to have, or rather, whether or not we will have a future! Anyone who claims that humans have a right to breed unhindered is ignorant, irresponsible, and has no regard for all the other forms of life with which we share the planet (Papas, 1970). In countries where birth control is accessible and affordable is no excuse for people to limit their families. We have a moral obligation towards other species and future generations, and it is our responsibility to see them live and enjoy what life truly means.
In response to the unending battle of sustaining life or just disposing of it, what matters is this, life is a test, and this world we live in is the place of our trials. There will always be problems, it may be the same problem, but in time it will be presented to us and the future generation in such a different form. If they say that we need to bound ourselves from growing, then they are fools because a man is born to live, and not to prepare for life, because it is only in the hazards of life then we will see the fullness of it.