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Need help with my writing homework on To what degree were the roaring 20s a time of optimism in canada. Write a 750 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on To what degree were the roaring 20s a time of optimism in canada. Write a 750 word paper answering; In the 1920s, the media improved significantly as they focused more on heroes, majorly in sports and movie stars. Cities during this time grew to a greater extent, especially construction of massive stadia and cinemas. During this era, in most countries, women won their voting rights and started voting (Schumpeter, 3). In this context, countries which allowed women to vote included Britain and Canada. Actually, Canada is a country that was greatly affected by the Roaring 20s. There were major changes in the way of life of the Canadians. This paper will discuss&nbsp.on& the Roaring 20s was&nbsp.a time of optimism in Canada. In forming the conclusion,&nbsp.statistical analysis was conducted in respect to the topic of discussion.

After the First World War,&nbsp.most people&nbsp.were&nbsp.ready to start&nbsp.a new life. Though jobs were readily available, most of the soldiers returning from the battlefields created a surplus of workers. During the early 1920s, there was a 15% unemployment rate in Canada (Schumpeter, 5). However, in the mid-twenties, things changed. There were a tremendous rise and increase in the foreign demand for Canadian raw materials. Moreover, the United States demand for traditional resources in Canada increased. Foreign demands included the demand for timber, base metals, pulp and wheat. Moreover, the market for local raw materials increased (Smith, 16).

The market boom created hope and optimism for many Canadians. The increase in demand would automatically lead to a corresponding increase in supply. As a result, the improved demand and supply of goods led to a situation where most individuals were absorbed as workers in industries. Prairie farmers whose market had earlier on collapsed saw an improvement in their markets. Technically, the Canadian economy was booming, and there was hope for a better future (Moore, 10).

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