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Need help with my writing homework on Video Games and Their Benefits. Write a 1250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Video Games and Their Benefits. Write a 1250 word paper answering; The work tries to summarize all research on the positive impact of playing video games, focusing on four main domains: motivational, cognitive, emotional, and social. By assimilating understandings from positive, developmental and media psychology, as well as social psychology, we suggest some candidate ways by which playing video games may lead to real-world psychosocial benefits(Gunter, 1998). The main objective of the work is to provide solid enough evidence and a theoretical rationale to inspire new programs of research on the fundamentally unexplored mental health benefits of gaming. And finally to call to the intervention researchers and practitioners to test the constructive and positive uses of video games and giving the way forward and suggestion of doing so.&nbsp.Most people normally use diverse media is in order to manage their moods and to enhance their emotional states. Through video games which are the most efficient and effective means by which youths and children generate positive feelings which in turn improve their mood and increases their positive emotions, for example, playing puzzle video game, a game with minimal interference, high degree of accessibility and short-term commitment, improves players moods, promotes relaxation, and ward of anxiety(McGonigal, 2012). From the 2009's Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine, gamers who suffered from mental health issues like depression and stress are able to vent their aggression and frustration by playing video games, this leads to great improvement in their state of mind. Also, most people play video games for enjoyment and improving their mood, the game also distracts them from real-world problems (e.g. bulling and other negative behaviors from young children). When the gamer succeeds in the game they get to have positive feelings, becoming more relaxed and reduced anxiety.

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