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Need some help with this assignment CP5631 Assignment - Networking Case Study Introduction This case study has been divided into five components. You...


Use VLSM to subnet the network topology using a public class B network. You are to use the table format below to provide the subnet details.

Table 1. Subnets (including WAN subnets)

Spreadsheet Columns: Subnet name, subnet address, subnet mask (in slash format), first useable address, last useable address, broadcast address, static address range and DHCP address range (all addresses to be in dotted decimal notation)

Table 2. Router Interfaces

Spreadsheet Columns: Location, interface, IP address, subnet mask (in slash format)

Table 3. Servers

Spreadsheet Columns: Location, server name, IP address, subnet mask (in slash format)

Additional requirements:

  • Choose one public B class network address for the entire network and subnet this block of addresses to optimise spare addresses for future expansion.
  • Place the WAN subnets in the blocks directly following the LAN address space.
  • Add 100% to each subnet to allow for growth in the number of hosts specified for each LAN (i.e. workstations × 2). Do not allow for any growth in the number of servers or size of WLANs
  • DHCP will to be used for IP address allocation for hosts in each subnet and these ranges are to be allocated for each LAN.
  • Static IP addresses are to be allocated where appropriate.
  • The ISP has given us an IP address of for our Internet connection at Sydney.

PART 4 - Research and source appropriate devices justifying choices (feasibility, efficiency, etc.)

You are to research and submit a project procurement plan for the Brisbane networks. The devices you must include are routers, switches, and wireless access points. Make sure the devices you select can handle the number of workstations required at the site, and provide a good quality of service to wired and wireless users.

Your project plan and final recommendations should be based on a Weighted Decision Matrix (similar to the WDM you did in the Procurement Practical). You are to compare five (5) devices from each category and to base the decision on reasonable and well-justified attributes.

The budget for all procurement is $10,000. You may exceed this if you can justify it well.

Your project plan is to contain the following components:

Executive summary

  • Briefly describe the goals of the procurement plan 

Weighted Decision Matrix - hardware resource requirements analysis

  • Include a written justification for priorities and attributes given in the matrix
  • write WDMs in Excel and copy and paste them into your Word doc


  • write a well-presented table of the prices of all devices and the total cost
  • Include hardware only, not labour

PART 5 - Cloud computing proposal

write proposal about how cloud computing could be used to reduce the company's hardware, service, and energy costs. You are to consider the following three scenarios, and make a recommendation on which to choose:

  • Replacing ALL workstations within the organisation with thin clients, which will access a desktop environment provided by a cloud service provider (such as Amazon).
  • Replacing ALL workstations within the organisation with thin clients, which will access a desktop environment provided by a private cloud infrastructure, created in-house and based in Sydney.
  • Continuing to use workstations.

The company's current contract is $850 per workstation, per year, for hardware and service. On average, each workstation currently consumes 230 kWh per year of electricity. In making your recommendation, you should consider not just costs, but the security implications of moving to a cloud service.

You must provide citations for any references that you use.

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