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Now that we are beginning the final stage of the social media marketing plan (SMMP), Cherie would like you to create a brief contingency strategy. This should be based on three macro-environmental fac

Now that we are beginning the final stage of the social media marketing plan (SMMP), Cherie would like you to create a brief contingency strategy. This should be based on three macro-environmental factors that may potentially impact the iShirt campaign.


In preparation for your presentation to senior management, you need to complete the SWOT analysis and determine external forces that could impact the iShirt campaign. Key elements of this Phase include:

• Complete the SWOT analysis - Create the Weaknesses and Threats portion of the SWOT in the chart template. Refer to Figure 4-1 in the textbook for examples.

• Choose three macro-environmental forces that could impact the SMMP – Please explain how these three external forces could affect the iShirt campaign, and how Apple could prepare to adapt.

***** This Phase 6 submission will become part of your final project ***** Here are the requirements for the Phase 6 part of your final plan:

• Using the Phase Six Worksheet provided in the assignment, create a one-two page paper describing the Phase 6 part of your final plan (plus separate Reference page and SWOT analysis).

• Include at least 2 separate credible resources to back up the details of your plan.

• This is a business course so spelling, grammar & professional business writing

format count.

• Refer to the final Social Media Marketing Plan for assignment details and grading


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