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NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines This assignment increases the students' awareness of the National Patient Safety Goals developed by The Joint Commission. Specifically, this ass
NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines
This assignment increases the students' awareness of the National Patient Safety Goals developed by The Joint Commission. Specifically, this assignment will introduce the Speak Up Initiatives, an award-winning patient safety program designed to help patients promote their own safety by proactively taking charge of their healthcare.
Courseoutcomes: Thisassignmentenablesthestudenttomeetthefollowingcourseoutcomes: CO #2: Apply the concepts of health promotion and illness prevention in the laboratory setting. (PO #2)
CO #8: Explain the rationale for selected nursing interventions based upon current nursing literature. (PO #8)
Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.
Total points possible: 50 points Preparing the assignment
1. Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions. a. Select a Speak Up brochure from The Joint Commission website.
b. Write a short paper reviewing the brochure. Use the Grading Criteria (below) to structure your critique.
c. Include current nursing or healthcare journal article to support your critique.
2. Include the following sections
a. Introduction of brochure (3 points/6%)
i. Includes brochure title
ii. Identifies date published
iii. Describes individuals or groups
iv. Brochure properly cited, included on reference list, and submitted with assignment
b. Summary of article (5 points/ 10%) -brochure citation required
i. Explain the main topics discussed
C. Communication (5 points/10 %) -brochure citation required
i. Review information that promotes communication between patients and healthcare providers
D. Personal Reflection (2 points /4%)
i. Why did this topic interest you?
apa format and 2 papers and brochures image attached Separately, references and title not included
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***** **** ****************************** Your CareIntroductionThe ***** **** care ** a critical ***** ******* ***** the ***** ********** ** ********* *** ****** *** ******* for ********* *** ************* which *** accredited besides ***** ********* in *** ********* ** **** higher quality ********** for *** *********** ************ ****** ********** ** ******** ******** ** *** ****** facilities ** vital ** ****** the ******* ** ********** ***** **** ***** **** *** know what steps **** to ** undertaken ** ***** ****** ** ***** up ** speaking ** the ******* ******* conversant ***** **** they have ** do **** it ***** ** * ********** situation This assists *** ******** ** ***** ***** rights ** * ******* and ** aware ** **** **** *** do **** it ***** to ***** **** *** joint ********** ** ********* ** ******** ****** ********** ***** care *** brochure *** published ** August **** **** Joint Commission ***** The ******** is enlightening *** ******* ******** ********** ***** ****** **** ** comes to ***** careSummary of brochureThe brochure is campaigning on providing *********** ** *** ******* ** **** they have ** ** **** ** comes ** ***** **** ** has ******* ******* topics where it has looked ** ******** ** by ********** **** ****** and *** ***** which *** ******* *** ** note and ****** ** *** ******* *** to ********** **** to ***** ** *** ********* ******* ********** ******** **** ***** ***** *** ******** use quality ********** ************ *** *********** ** *** *** ********* concerning ***** care (The ***** Commission2019)CommunicationThe ******** ********* **** *** Joint Commission **** *** **** tolerance for *** **** ** ********** ** its organizations **** indicates **** *** ******* *** ** *** better ******** which *** ** attained ******* ********* ************* ******* *** ******* *** *** ********** providers **** ***** *************** The area ** *** ******** ***** ******** ************* ******* *** ******* and *** ********** providers in the **** ****** *********** ** *** ********* ***** **** **** ***** ** Through this *** **** ** ** involved ** ***** ************* ********** **** has to be **** *** *** *********** ****** the healthcare provider *** ******** As * patient *** **** ** be ***** ** **** ****** ***** *** patient *** *** *** ***** ** ****** *** appropriate **** This ***** that for *** ******* ** ** **** ** *** better ******** **** they **** ** *********** ****** **** *** ********** ********* *** *** healthcare ********* to be aware ** *** need *** ******* ***** ** ****** *** ***** ***** ** **** *** ******* ** **** *** ******* * ****** *** a third opinion the patient ****** be ***** ** ***** ********** medicines with *** doctors *** ******* ****** **** ***** ****** of medical ******* **** *** healthcare **** **** Joint *********************** reflection **** ***** *** of great interest ** ** ***** it ** * ******* set ** *********** **** ********* boosting ********** *** it ******* ****** to ********** *** ***** which ********* **** ** other **** **** **** ** ***** ***** it ****** *** ** individual *** ** be involved ** **** **** ** ****** ********* **** ** comes to their ****** **** ***** a ***** view of when the patient ****** speak *** **** **** **** ** ****** ****** Most ** *** time *** ******* ****** at * ***** **** **** ****** be ****** *** ***** conceal **** of the *********** ** *** medication **** *** ****** ***** ***** ****** **** negativelyReferencesAndrew * ****** Empowering **** ******* ** You **** ** Get Well? *********** ****** ****** IncThe joint commission ****** Speak up ***** **** ************** ** ********* **************