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OBJECTIVE: Analyze business letters for effective use of information. Use the correct words in communicating ideas and information.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this assignment is to:

  1.  Analyze business letters for effective use of information.
  2.  Use the correct words in communicating ideas and information. Thus, you will develop your skills at writing either a bad news memo or a persuasive memo and apply what you've learned about integrating proper grammar, mechanics, and usage.
  3.  Correctly use direct, indirect, and persuasive messages.

SCENARIO OPTION #2: Persuasive Memo Document Makeover

Shauna Eckert, Global Business Communications Events Planner, is requesting your help with the Bad News Memo written about corporate health insurance changes.

  •  Read Shauna Eckert's Persuasive Memo draft (also attached in Word.doc format for downloading).


To meet the Unit 4 assignment requirements, you may choose EITHER the Bad News Memo Document Makeover (Option #1) OR the Persuasive Memo Document Makeover (Option #2).

  •  Correct the memo using Interoffice memo format (To, From, Subject, Date).
  •  Be sure to change all of the dates to current. Effectively communicate the ideas and information by incorporating the correct wording, spelling, punctuation, usage, and mechanics in your rewritten memo. See the "Handbook of Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage" to guide you.

NOTE: You need not use the Track Changes feature or highlight your changes. Rewriting the memo will indicate your changes.

Running Head: PERSUASIVE MEMO Persuasive Memo Student’s Name Institution PERSUASIVE MEMO2 To: Brad Dougherty From: Shauna Eckert, Event Planner Subject: Reducing Absenteeism and Improving...
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