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Objective: Students will view the film In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto and be able to Explain the behavioral and social science foundation of nutrition as it relates to the concepts of human

Objective: Students will view the film In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto and be able to

Explain the behavioral and social science foundation of nutrition as it relates to the concepts of human behavior and health.  

Apply the fundamental concepts related to the development of obesity and other diseases.

Explain how an individual's place in society affects experiences, values, and choices as it relates to health.

Identify public policy changes as they relate to food access.  

Part I: Watch the film: In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto. 

Part II: Answer the following questions after viewing the film.

The answer to each question should be at least one paragraph.  

The paper should be no more than 2 typed pages.

*Current statistics:  

What are the current rates of obesity and diabetes in America?

Are the rates currently continuing on the upward climb?  

Factors leading to poor health:  

Before viewing this film, what did you think were factors that contribute to poor health?  

Did the film change your views? Explain.

Public Health Issue:  

What are the causes of death that are connected to an unhealthy diet?

How does the knowledge of an unhealthy diet’s strong connection to several leading causes of death change your perception of poor diet as a public health issue?

Health Initiatives:  

What types of health initiatives have been implemented to improve the health of Americans?

What changes do we still need to make in our communities and our country to contribute to consumption of a healthy diet?

Public Policy:

What did you find interesting about food processing and how it contributes to poor health?

Congratulations, you were just elected governor of New York.  What kinds of changes will you propose to improve the health of the state?

*Use the more current values for obesity and diabetes found in your textbook or from reputable websites.

Project Mechanics:


The Internet:  

The information on current statistics for obesity rates is accessible on the Internet. Information must be from well accepted and respected online sources. Look for the tag “.org” or “.gov” at the end of the web address.  


Within the paper: The information on current statistics for obesity rates must be properly cited within the body of the paper using the APA format.  

At the end of the paper: All references used to write the paper must be presented on a separate reference page at the end of the paper using the APA format.  

For guidance on how to present the citations within the body and the reference page, see the web pages: or

The College library holds workshops toward the end of each semester on how to properly cite student work.  

The Paper:  

Number your answers to correspond with each question asked.

The paper must be typed: 12 font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1” margins, and presented neatly.  

The answers must be written in complete sentences. Grammar, spelling and neatness count toward your final grade.  

The total length of the paper should be approximately 2 pages long.

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