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Objectives that can be appropriate for Internet marketing include


1. Question 1 of 50

Objectives that can be appropriate for Internet marketing include: (Points : 2.5)

building loyal customer relationships.

doubling the customer base.

decreasing the need for customer service. 

2. Question 2 of 50

Which of the following is not a strategic driver of the Internet economy? (Points : 2.5)

Speed is essential to successful Internet operations.

Employees can easily be substituted for one another.

Making it possible to deal with customers on a 1-to-1 basis.

3.Question 3 of 50

Web 2.0 is characterized by: (Points : 2.5) 

services and co-creation.

economic and technical evolution.

a "dot com" business enterprise. 

4. Question 4 of 50

The basic business models used on the Internet include: (Points : 2.5) 

multi-channel marketing.

target return on investment.


5. Question 5 of 50

Technology that can integrate location into marketing applications is called: (Points : 2.5) 


Web 3.0.


6. Question 6 of 50

The most common way consumers discover new online products is through: (Points : 2.5) search.

merchant emails.

social networking sites.

7.Question 7 of 50

Businesses have enthusiastically adopted the internet for marketing for the following: (Points : 2.5)

attract new customers.

customer retention.

both of the above. 

8. Question 8 of 50 

One of the ways in which the Internet is changing business is: (Points :2.5)

increasing the reliance on hierarchical organizations.

making market share less important.

increasing the need for speed and agility.

 9. Question 9 of 50

The value chain incorporates: (Points : 2.5) 

distinct divisions between entities in the supply chain.

the concept of vertical integration.

channels of distribution that reach the ultimate customer.

10. Question 10 of 50

________ is the term used to describe information systems that provide a complete picture

of a supply chain (Points : 2.5)




11. Question 11 of 50

Over the years FedEx has enhanced customer value by: (Points : 2.5) 

giving customers tools to track their own shipments.

giving customers tools to activate FedEx Office orders.

both of the above.

12. Question 12 of 50

The marketing concept of service-dominated logic includes which of the following concepts? (Points : 2.5)

Services are a key component of modern economic systems.

Customers are always co-creators of value.

Neither of the above. 13.

Question 13 of 50

Music file sharing is an example of which Internet business model? (Points : 2.5)




14.Question 14 of 50

Disintermediation means: (Points : 2.5) 


Eliminate the middleman

Direct Selling

15.Question 15 of 50

One of the most famous examples of the brokerage model: (Points : 2.5) 




16. Question 16 of 50

The main function of a portal is to: (Points : 2.5)

provide a huge amount of content. 

provide access to the Internet.

provide free services.

17. Question 17 of 50

A company selling shoes online to consumers is following which business model? (Points : 2.5)




18. Question 18 of 50

The basic direct-response strategies are: (Points : 2.5) 

attraction, commitment, and loyalty.

acquisition, conversion, and retention.

attraction, conversion, and retention

19. Question 19 of 50

Objectives of a direct-response marketing program can include: (Points : 2.5) 

generating sales leads.

creating awareness of a product or service.

developing brand image.

20. Question 20 of 50

Among the uses of CLV data to Harrah's is: (Points : 2.5)

to drive programs that increase customer value.

to provide a powerful way to segment markets.

both the above. 

21. Question 21 of 50

Which of the following is a true statement about data mining? (Points : 2.5) 

Data mining can uncover previously unsuspected patterns in the data. 

Marketers require the assistance of statisticians to get information from data mining


Data mining routines were developed specifically to deal with the massive amounts of

data available from the Internet.

22. Question 22 of 50

Among the interactive strategies marketers can pursue are: (Points : 2.5) 

information, transaction, and personalization.

transaction, personalization, and collaboration.

interaction, profiling, and customization.

23. Question 23 of 50

Important characteristics of a direct-response offer include: (Points : 2.5) 

always having a purchase as the objective.

deferred action on the part of the prospective customer.

a clear call to action.

24. Question 24 of 50

________ is the concept that helps the marketer understand how much it costs to acquire, maintain, and service a customer. (Points : 2.5) 

Market segmentation

Customer lifetime value

Lead generation

25. uestion 25 of 50

Benefits of having and utilizing a marketing database include: (Points : 2.5) 

not having to perform statistical analysis on the data.

being able to construct customer profiles.

having a single customer database that includes information from other functional

areas of the business. 

26. Question 26 of 50

NIKEiD is an example of: (Points : 2.5) 

an interactive website.

use of a customer database.

product customization.

27. Question 27 of 50

________ is one tool that enables consumers to enjoy media on their own schedule. (Points : 2.5) Electronic TV schedule or guide

Video streaming

Image search

28. Question 28 of 50

Which of the following is a true statement about online display advertising? (Points : 2.5)

It is more expensive than offline display advertising.

It is effective in acquiring customers and making sales.

Neither of the above

29. Question 29 of 50

Online advertising is ________ effective than television advertising in creating customer awareness. (Points : 2.5) 




30. Question 30 of 50________ is the concept that describes the degree of positive or negative feelings about a brand. (Points : 2.5)

Brand equity

Brand prestige

Brand image 

31. Question 31 of 50Among the metrics used to measure the effectiveness of branding efforts are: (Points : 2.5) 

brand equity and brand recognition.

brand image and brand authority.

brand expenditures and brand equity.

32. Question 32 of 50

Effective brand building on the Internet requires: (Points : 2.5) 

intensive use of online advertising.

combining interactivity and information-driven direct-response marketing.

higher expenditures than offline brand building.

33. Question 33 of 50

Advantages of a brand community include: (Points : 2.5)

members are likely to feel more brand loyalty.

members feel they are part of an exclusive club.

both of the above.

34. Question 34 of 50

Optimizing videos for visibility requires: (Points : 2.5) 

use of relevant keywords wherever possible.

uploading to paid video sites.

a paid channel on YouTube.

35. Question 35 of 50

Promotion of videos can take a number of forms including: (Points : 2.5) 

posting the video on all corporate channels and platforms.

posting on the channels of others like business partners.

both of the above.

36. Question 36 of 50

Which of the following is a true statement about acquisition of online customers? (Points : 2.5) 

Acquisition of online customers can be accomplished only online.

Acquisition of online customers can make use of both offline and online techniques.

Is more costly than acquiring offline customers. 

37. Question 37 of 50

Online advertising includes: (Points : 2.5)

 listings on directory sites.

search ads.

ads in print newspapers.

38. Question 38 of 50

Best practices for developing rich media ads include: (Points : 2.5) 

put as much interactivity into the ad as possible.

understand who your target audience is and how its members use the web.

do not include a call to action in a rich media ad.

39. Question 39 of 50

The technique that serves ads to Internet users based on tracking of their Internet activities is: (Points : 2.5) 

behavioral advertising.

personalized advertising.


40. Question 40 of 50

Predictive models can be used to: (Points : 2.5) 

identify keywords for contextual advertising.

target unidentified users based on behaviors.

avoid the expense of using an ad network.

41. Question 41 of 50

Ads on ________ are similar to other types of Pay Per Click ads. (Points : 2.5) 


a portal like Yahoo!

a newspaper website

42. Question 42 of 50

The term used to describe the expressed willingness of consumers to receive further promotional material from the marketer is: (Points : 2.5) 




43. Question 43 of 50

Acceptable email marketing practices under the CAN-SPAM law include: (Points : 2.5)

using spiders and other anonymous collection techniques.

correct identification of the sender in the header.

sending unsolicited e-mail to prospective customers without giving them an

opportunity to opt-out.

44. Question 44 of 50

The minimal acceptable standard for permission marketing is: (Points : 2.5)



confirmed opt-in.

45. Question 45 of 50

The Golden Rs of email marketing include: (Points : 2.5) 




46. Question 46 of 50

Which choice below best represents why direct email marketing is superior to direct mail? (Points : 2.5) 

Faster, higher response rate, better list

Faster, cheaper, better tracking

Faster, higher response rate, cheaper

47. A site that lists items by topic is called a: (Points : 2.5) 


paid placement.

search engine.

48. Question 48 of 50

________ is the development of web pages in a manner that is friendly to search engine spiders. (Points : 2.5) 




49. Question 49 

Internet users frequently use search engines to: (Points : 2.5)

find their way around the web.

compare prices on products.

get specific content they want.

50. Question 50 

Search engine results produced by a search engine's algorithm when indexing unpaid submissions is called: (Points : 2.5)

 search engine optimization.

paid search.

organic search.

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* ******** 1 of ***

********** that *** ** *********** for ******** ********* ******** ******* * ****

******** ***** ******** **************

******** *** ******** *****

********** the **** for ******** service

* ******** * of ***

***** of *** ********* is not * ********* ****** ** *** ******** economy? ******* * ****

***** ** ********* ** ********** ******** ***********

********* *** easily ** *********** *** one ********

****** ** possible ** **** **** customers on a ****** basis

3Question * ** ***

*** 20 ** characterized *** ******* : ****

******** *** ************

******** and ********* **********

* ************* ************* ******** ***********

* Question * ** 50

*** ***** business ****** **** ** the ******** include: (Points : ****

************* marketing

****** ****** ** ***********


5 Question 5 of 50

Technology **** *** integrate ******** **** ********* ************ is ******* ******* * 25)


Web 30


6 ******** * of ***

The most ****** way consumers ******** *** online ******** is ******** ******* : *** search

merchant *******

social ********** ******

7Question * ** ***

********** **** **************** ******* *** ******** *** marketing *** *** ********** (Points * ****

attract new customers

customer **********

**** ** *** ******

8 Question * ** 50

*** ** *** **** ** which *** Internet ** ******** business *** (Points :25)

********** *** ******** ** hierarchical **************

****** ****** ***** **** important

********** *** need *** speed *** agility

9 ******** * ** ***

*** ***** ***** ************* ******* : 25)

distinct divisions ******* ******** ** the ****** chain

*** ******* ** ******** ************

******** ** distribution **** ***** the ******** customer

** Question ** ** ***

******** ** *** **** **** to ******** information ******* **** ******* a ******** ********

** * supply ***** ******* : ****




11 ******** ** ** ***

Over the ***** ***** *** ******** ******** ***** *** ******* : ****

giving customers ***** ** track ***** own **********

****** ********* ***** ** ******** FedEx ****** orders

**** ** the ******

** Question ** ** ***

The marketing ******* of ***************** logic ******** ***** of *** ********* ********* (Points * ****

******** *** * *** ********* ** ****** economic ********

********* *** ****** co-creators ** ******

Neither of *** above ***

******** ** ** ***

Music **** ******* is ** ******* ** ***** ******** ******** ****** ******* : 25)




********** ** ** 50

***************** means: ******* * ****


********* the **********

****** ********

********** ** ** ***

*** ** *** most famous examples ** the ********* ****** ******* * 25)




** ******** ** ** ***

*** main ******** ** * portal is *** ******* : ****

provide * **** ****** ** ********

******* ****** ** *** *********

provide **** *********

** Question ** ** ***

* ******* ******* shoes ****** ** consumers is ********* ***** ******** ****** ******* : 25)




18 ******** ** ** ***

*** ***** direct-response ********** **** ******* : ****

attraction ********** *** ********

*********** ********** *** retention

********** ********** *** retention

19 ******** ** ** 50

********** of a *************** ********* ******* *** ******** ******* * ****

generating ***** ******

creating awareness of * ******* or ********

********** brand ******

** ******** 20 of ***

Among *** **** ** CLV data ** Harrah's is: (Points : ****

** ***** ******** **** increase customer ******

** ******* * ******** *** to ******* markets

**** the ******

** ******** 21 ** ***

***** of the following ** * **** ********* ***** data ******* ******* : ****

**** mining *** ******* ********** *********** patterns in *** data

Marketers require *** ********** of ************* to *** information **** **** *******


**** ****** ******** **** developed specifically ** **** with *** ******* amounts ***

data ********* **** the *********

** ******** ** ** ***

***** the *********** ********** ********* *** ****** **** ******* * ****

*********** *********** *** ****************

*********** personalization *** **************

*********** profiling *** **************

** ******** ** of ***

Important *************** ** a *************** offer include: (Points : ****

****** ****** a purchase as *** **********

deferred ****** on *** **** of *** *********** *********

* clear **** ** *******

** ******** 24 of ***

________ ** *** ******* that ***** *** ******** ********** *** much ** ***** ** ******* ******** *** ******* * customer ******* : ****

Market *************

Customer ******** ******

**** ***********

** uestion ** ** 50

Benefits ** ****** *** ********* a ********* ******** include: ******* * 25)

not ****** ** ******* statistical ******** ** *** data

***** **** to ********* customer profiles

****** a ****** customer ******** **** includes *********** from ***** ***********

***** ** *** *********

26 ******** 26 ** ***

****** ** ** ******* *** (Points * ****

an *********** ********

*** ** a ******** *********

******* customization

** ******** ** ** ***

________ is one **** **** ******* ********* ** ***** media on ***** *** schedule ******* * 25) ********** ** ******** ** guide

***** **********

***** *******

28 ******** ** ** ***

***** ** the ********* is a **** ********* about ****** ******* ************ ******* : ****

** is **** expensive **** ******* ******* advertising

** is effective ** ********* ********* *** ****** ******

******* ** *** above

29 Question 29 of ***

Online *********** ** ******** ********* than ********** *********** ** ******** customer awareness ******* : ****




** ******** 30 ** 50________ ** *** ******* **** describes *** ****** of ******** ** ******** ******** ***** * ***** ******* * ****

***** equity

Brand *********

***** ******

** ******** ** ** 50Among the metrics **** ** measure *** effectiveness of ******** ******* **** ******* * ****

brand ****** and ***** recognition

***** image and brand **********

***** ************ *** ***** *******

32 Question ** ** ***

********* ***** building on *** ******** requires: ******* : ****

intensive *** ** ****** ************

********* interactivity *** ****************** *************** **********

****** ************ **** ******* ***** *********

33 ******** ** of ***

********** ** * ***** ********* include: (Points : 25)

members *** likely ** **** more ***** ********

******* **** they *** **** of an exclusive *****

**** of *** ******

** Question ** ** ***

Optimizing ****** for visibility ********* ******* * ****

*** of relevant ******** wherever *********

********* ** paid ***** sites

a **** ******* ** ********

** ******** 35 of ***

Promotion of ****** *** take a ****** of forms ********** ******* * ****

******* the ***** ** *** corporate channels *** **********

******* ** the ******** ** ****** **** ******** partners

**** ** *** above

36 ******** ** ** ***

***** of *** ********* ** a true statement ***** *********** of ****** ********** ******* * ****

*********** ** ****** ********* *** ** ************ **** *******

*********** ** ****** ********* can **** *** ** **** offline *** ****** ***********

** **** ****** than ********* offline customers

** ******** ** ** ***

****** *********** ********* (Points : ****

listings ** directory ******

****** ads

*** ** ***** newspapers

** ******** ** of ***

**** practices *** ********** **** ***** *** include: (Points * ****

*** as much ************* into the ** as *********

understand who **** target ******** ** *** how *** ******* *** the web

do not ******* a call ** ****** in * **** ***** ad

** ******** ** ** ***

*** ********* that serves *** to ******** users ***** ** ******** ** ***** Internet ********** *** ******* * ****

behavioral ************

************ advertising


** ******** ** ** ***

********** ****** can ** used *** ******* * ****

******** ******** *** ********** ************

****** ************ ***** ***** ** behaviors

***** *** ******* ** using ** ad ********

** ******** ** of ***

*** ** ******** *** similar ** ***** ***** ** *** *** ***** ads ******* * 25)


* ****** **** Yahoo!

* ********* website

42 Question ** ** 50

*** **** **** to describe *** ********* willingness ** ********* to ******* ******* promotional ******** **** the ******** is: ******* : 25)




43 ******** ** ** ***

Acceptable ***** ********* ********* under *** ******** law ******** ******* * 25)

using spiders *** other anonymous ********** techniques

******* ************** of *** ****** ** *** header

sending *********** e-mail to *********** customers ******* ****** **** ***

*********** ** ********

** ******** 44 ** ***

*** minimal ********** ******** *** ********** ********* is: ******* * ****



********* *******

** Question ** ** 50

*** ****** Rs ** email ********* ******** ******* * ****




46 ******** ** ** 50

Which ****** below **** ********** *** ****** ***** ********* ** superior ** ****** ***** (Points * 25)

****** ****** ******** **** ****** list

****** cheaper better *********

****** ****** response **** cheaper

** * **** **** ***** ***** ** topic ** called ** ******* * ****


**** **********

****** *******

48 Question 48 ** ***

******** ** the *********** of *** ***** ** a ****** **** ** ******** ** search ****** ******* ******* : 25)




49 ******** 49

******** ***** ********** use search ******* *** ******* * ****

**** their *** ****** *** web

******* prices ** *********

*** specific ******* **** *****

50 ******** ***

****** engine ******* produced ** * ****** ************ ********* **** ******** ****** *********** is called: ******* * ****

****** ****** *************

paid search

******* ******

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