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Of course, when we think of containers, we think of the 20' and 40,' 8x8 sturdy container; however, there is another popular container, the 53,' 8 x

Of course, when we think of containers, we think of the 20' and 40,' 8x8 sturdy container; however, there is another popular container, the 53,' 8 x 8 container that is used for intermodal traffic between road and rail. It is not quite as sturdy as our standard intermodal container. For example, it can only be stacked three high. The trucking firm, J. B. Hunt, is the company that revolutionized container movements using this type of container, and now other companies are copying Hunt's success.

For the discussion, research what J. B. Hunt has done with this intermodal capability. Go for the typical loggie stuff, such as size of the business, size of the intermodal capacity, cost savings, and competitive rates. You might even discover the nickname that truckers have for these intermodal containers carrying the yellow J.B. Hunt logo (the nickname they have for the truck on the highway is "jaybees," but they have another nickname for the J. B. Hunt intermodal containers themselves). Tell us what other companies are into this dedicated container, intermodal road/rail market.

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