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OL-265/5-2 Short Paper: Strategic Management Imagine that you are a nonprofit executive director who has been asked to prepare a report to the board about the possibility of opening an after-school

OL-265/5-2 Short Paper: Strategic Management

Imagine that you are a nonprofit executive director who has been asked to prepare a report to the board about the possibility of opening an after-school program at a local elementary school. The mission of the program is to provide recreation and homework assistance programs to children ages 7 – 9. You do not need to write a plan, but instead write a short paper that explains how strategic management works answering these questions: What resources would you use to develop a plan? Are there risks? What might they be (list 5 and explain why they are important considerations)? List 5 ways you would measure the success of the program and why you would use them. For additional details, please refer to the Short Paper Case Study Rubric document

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