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One of the most difficult challenges an entrepreneur may be faced with is raising money to get his/her business started. Read the following article from Forbes Magazine "12 Tips on Raising Venture Ca

One of the most difficult challenges an entrepreneur may be faced with is raising money to get his/her business started.  Read the following article from Forbes Magazine "12 Tips on Raising Venture Capital for Your Startup" (Links to an external site.)  and summarize in a 500+ word paper the three things mentioned by the author that you think are most important in convincing investors to put money in your business.  Devote at least one paragraph of your paper to each of the three and explain why you think it is so important, whether or not you think it is practical, and if there is anything about that tip that you think the author of the article should also consider.

Short paper writing assignments should be a minimum of 500 words long.  In your paper, answer all of the questions in the prompt and include a discussion of anything relevant you have learned in the course or from the textbook.  When you are asked to read an article (or watch a video) from an outside source you should specifically mention or quote something from that article at least twice in your paper.  Any reference to or use of outside sources should noted (cited) either in the paper or at the bottom of the page. 

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****************************** *** ******* ************** ** ******************* ** ********************************************* ** ******** ** *** an easy **** ** it ******** ****** *** ********** ** the process ******* ******* *** ****** **** the bedrock ** any ******** As ** entrepreneur there are ********* *** *** ** **** **** ensure the safety *** ****** of *** ******** *** ******** ** entrepreneur *** ** ****** whether ** ** * **** impact ** * ***** ******** entrepreneur According to ****** most ** *** entrepreneurs **** to fail because they **** *** **** a decision **** *** *** *** ******** ** ****** **** ****** or ***** ******** it ***** ** classify *** ******** ***** is * **** ** choose the *** ************ ** **** **** different representations in *** ******** ****** When ** entrepreneur *** ******* on the **** ** ******** ** run then **** ***** and ***** on ********** **** would ******* *** ******** ***** are ********** ** ***** ********** fail ** ******** themselves as either **** ****** ** ***** ****** When ***** ********** ** ******* a ********* ** * result **** the ******** *** makes ** *** business environment ****** be ******** *** the ********** ** *** ******************** ** ** essential ********* ** *** ******** *********** Any business ************ ****** ** ***** ** be **** ** *** team Failure to **** ** * **** *** ***** ******** in * disjointed ******** *** can ***** ** ** * **** ****** game even **** **** experience **** ****** **** ******* ** * **** Working ** * team ********** *** ** ******** ***** that *** ********* *** ****** a small ****** or **** ****** business **** ******* ** * **** one ***** to ***** **** ****** ** *** **** ** being ** *** game ***** *** ********** ** which business individuals work independently and **** affects *** ********** ** the ************ When *********** **** ** * team **** ***** **** one another ****** ****** **** it is the **** **** ******* *** success ** *** ******** ******** ** * **** **** ******** the business ** ********* Most organizations **** fail are *** to **** ******** When ******* with * **** *** tends ** ***** and **** ******** ********** ** **** ** addressing **** challenges **** ***** ** the ******** ******************** are *** ********** ** a business that ** ********* Investors have interests ** ******** that **** ******* *** ******** **** ***** ** ****** failure can ** ********** dysfunctional ** ** ** part ** *** ******** ******* Through ******* corrective ****** ** ******* Venture ********* **** ****** ******** *** **** represents ***** ******** points ******* ******* one ***** ** ***** *** ***** *** **** **** ** happening in *** ******** *********** ************* the ***** ** ******* capital in *** ******** environment ** ********* ************* ******* ***** ** **** ** real ********** in *** ******** ****** is ***** to *** ******* ********** Any ******** *** ** interested in ******** ****** learn *** ******** *********** ** **** ********** *** ********* ********* Startup ********* ****** critically ******** *** ******** *********** ****** ****** any ******** move **** ** the ******** **** ***** ** **** is *** to the **** study of *** ****** *** **** ***** ** ***** ****************************************** * Eric 2013) 12 Tips ** ******* ******* ******* *** Your ******* ********* on **** ******** **** **** ************************************************************************************************************************

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